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Weird Things about the USA


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We in America must engage Canada at once in bilateral trade talks that will resolve the unfair distribution of Smarties and the metric system. While detractors from my proposition will say more aggressive action is called for, we must remember to first pursue a diplomatic solution before we beat the drums of war. That said, Canada should understand that the patience of Americans, although great, is not without its limits.

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We can trade one Smartie for three or four times as many Chinese as Americans. That's globalization for you.
I see. Ok, do you suppose Canada would be interested in a deal for Kevbone and pink? (I'm thinking we might be able to overlook the snafflecow incident, you know, quid pro quo.)
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All I have to say is FUCK THE METRIC SYSTEM


pound, foot, yard.....that's where it's at.


I remember on climbing trip to the Canadian Rockies where this carpenter told us they sell everything in metric. The problem is a 4X8 piece of plywood gets some idiodic metric measure, but its a 4X8 piece of wood. If they wanted to be truely metric they would sell stuff in even metric measurements.


Face it you Canucks use english measurements whether you like it or not.

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