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What's the excuse for the second time around?


Ignorant white trash that live in the south.


Ohio is not in the south you dumb fuck.


I wasnt talking about Ohio! Try reading what I said, I said SOUTH! Not midwest....STFU.


The crippled :pagetop: that is against Bush and the Iraq War and slowly turns the wheel powering Kevbone's brain wishes Kevbone would stfu... you're embarassing those in your camp whose private conviction is of intellectual superiority.

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I wasnt talking about Ohio! Try reading what I said, I said SOUTH! Not midwest....STFU.



Are you really this fucking stupid?


No...Its just that you assumed I was talking about Ohio and in fact I was not. I was making a joke about the south....and apparently it went over your head.


I assumed nothing of the sort. I pointed out one example of how erroneous your comment was about "the South" determining the last presidential election. :noway:

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according to 90% of the students i teach, because saddam attacked us on 9/11




what grade, and where? i thought this had changed.

sophmores in affluent, honky-white suburbia - it was more like 60% when i was teaching seniors last year


like most human beings they're "not really into politics"


reality is insignificant when you got a nice ipod and a benz



that's fucked up. i hope they responded to what i assume were your corrections on the subject? or do you live in an area where the school board fired you for disseminating god-hating propaganda?

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I assumed nothing of the sort. I pointed out one example of how erroneous your comment was about "the South" determining the last presidential election. :noway:


Ok....you win...im wrong. Hey...It was a joke dude! You know, the frickin south.Ha ha ha!


given the number of delusional, weird, left-wing nuts in the PNW, including more than a few on this list-serve, I don't see any basis for mocking the "frickin south" or assuming any type of intellectual superiority

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according to 90% of the students i teach, because saddam attacked us on 9/11




what grade, and where? i thought this had changed.

sophmores in affluent, honky-white suburbia - it was more like 60% when i was teaching seniors last year


like most human beings they're "not really into politics"


reality is insignificant when you got a nice ipod and a benz


As a parent, I wonder if it is appropriate for an admitted illegal drug user to be teaching children at all. Sorry.

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I know this is of doubtful advantage, but, rather than legalistic concerns over use of a recreational substance that is marginally illegal depending on geography (I believe you can carry up to an ounce of green in Denver), I'd be more concerned about kids being taught by those engaged in legal activities like:


political zealots of any persuasion


religious zealots of any persuasion


chronic alcoholics


obsessive compulsive pron addicts


anyone who wears white shoes after Labor Day









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As a parent, I wonder if it is appropriate for an admitted illegal drug user to be teaching children at all. Sorry.

i believe all the authors of our fair nation's constitution were criminals, in that they had engaged in activities deemed illegal by the law of their time


is there something in my nature that makes you fear that i would allow my private life to interfere w/ my public one? do i strike you as so foolish that from my bully pulpit i would encourage drug use or prattle on about my own habits?




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As a parent, I wonder if it is appropriate for an admitted illegal drug user to be teaching children at all. Sorry.

i believe all the authors of our fair nation's constitution were criminals, in that they had engaged in activities deemed illegal by the law of their time


is there something in my nature that makes you fear that i would allow my private life to interfere w/ my public one? do i strike you as so foolish that from my bully pulpit i would encourage drug use or prattle on about my own habits?




Yes. Are your students somehow blocked from viewing your exploits on this very website?

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As a parent, I wonder if it is appropriate for an admitted illegal drug user to be teaching children at all. Sorry.

i believe all the authors of our fair nation's constitution were criminals, in that they had engaged in activities deemed illegal by the law of their time


is there something in my nature that makes you fear that i would allow my private life to interfere w/ my public one? do i strike you as so foolish that from my bully pulpit i would encourage drug use or prattle on about my own habits?




Yes. Are your students somehow blocked from viewing your exploits on this very website?

ummm...avatar? i've no interest in their myspace pages, so why would i discuss how i use my private internet time?

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What's the excuse for the second time around?


Ignorant white trash that live in the south.


At your peril. That is precisely why those of us who did not vote for Fucking Lying Incompetent Moron were dissappointed in both elections.


I think half of America fell for a cretin like Bush because we have had it so cushy since WWII that we've become intellectually, historically, and politically lazy and thus, ignorant. The Bush's of the world require no citizen sacrifice or participation from their constituents. Trust us, we'll take care of things, keep the oil, coffee, and cheap lawn care products flowing, just sit back in your barca lounger and enjoy the game. And why not? Why ruin a perfectly good Saturday afternoon worrying, or even thinking, about the massive effect our comfy, disconnected lifestyle has on everyone else and, now that climate change is finally here, on ourselves? It's a good deal, and we'll take it every time until someone comes along who really burns us in the end. Hopefully, W is that someone.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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As for the whole "who has the right to teach" bullshit, I say this: I'd rather have a motivated, good teacher than one that doesn't give a shit. I couldn't give a damn about what they do in their personal time (save for being a pedophile or other child related criminal sickness, for obvious reasons) as long as it doesn't affect their performance as a teacher. Any other criteria is overly invasive, counterproductive towards the goal of improving our schools, and utterly ridiculous.

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