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More Troops in Iraq


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Me thinks "spineless and disorganized" are characteristics of both parties.


Uh, no. Over the last 25+ years the Republican Party has shown itself quite bold in its strategy and execution (i.e. ramming its programs down our throats) as well as very capable of mobilizing supporters at the grassroots through a variety of outlets.

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It seems they're pretty damn quiet, notwithstanding a recent sweep of both houses. Was all that talk about Iraq just bullshit to win the election, Charles?


Two points!


1. They are not yet officially the majority party! You're getting a little ahead of yourself here.


2. What the hell are they supposed to do next month when they receive their power? Make a "state of the senate" resolution? Your stupid ass prez is the commander in chief, remember? The only really forceful thing the dems can do is threaten to cut off military funding, and I doubt anyone (except maybe the evil, baby-eating, use-your-kid-as-cannon-fodder Neocons) wants to play that game of chicken, when the losers are the troops, and the game is played with an idiot at the other wheel.


I call bullshit.


Admit it chuckie, you ARE disappointed with the Dem's (lack of) action on this aren't you?


As for the "we're not in power line" - the R's have little power - they're a lame duck congress, and so is the Prez. Time to take some personal responsibility for your party.


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Maybe the increase in strength is actually to do with Iran or Syria. Anyway I hope they get to pack a whole bunch of MREs so they don't have to eat possum


I have seen a lot of talk about "invading Iran" (or "bombing them for xxx weeks") on the cable news channels lately. If that happens, or is even threatened seriously, it's gonna be the mother of all clusterfucks.


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we all got fucked at 911. we believed that shit. about the beige people with pocket knives. then we said ok georgie you protect us...now were surprised they are lying to us.......its all about the oil stupid.

...... "the bigger the lie the more people will believe it...."hitler

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I like Operation Together Forward. Isn't that nice? Say it a few times. Ahhhh. Think they'll have an operational codeword for the inevitable withdrawl? How about Operation Coitus Interruptus? Operation Whoopsie? Operation Sectarian Bloodbath on American Hands? Operation Jumpstart Democracy? Operation Ethnocleanse?

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I like Operation Together Forward. Isn't that nice? Say it a few times. Ahhhh. Think they'll have an operational codeword for the inevitable withdrawl? How about Operation Coitus Interruptus? Operation Whoopsie? Operation Sectarian Bloodbath on American Hands? Operation Jumpstart Democracy? Operation Ethnocleanse?


Nah, ethnic cleansing is done best by the Euros...

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