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best acid trip you ever had


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I always remember the bad trips, but some of the better ones include the Grateful Dead in Portland Meadows 95' hearing them play All along the Watchtower and getting lost in the sound as they went of on some tangent to the point I forgot what song they were playing. Then they came back to the chorus and I remembered where I was but forgot where I parked my car after the show.

Another notable was hearing Soundgarden play Waiting For the Sun as the sunset over the Gorge in 96'.

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"In the 19th and early-20th centuries, benzene was used as an after-shave lotion and for douches because of its pleasant smell." - Wikipedia


There's nothing like the smell of aromatic hydrocarbons first thing in the morning.

I still remember college chem lab. All the books we had still called for benzene for many experiments. The TA's told us we couldn't use benzene any more because it was found to cause cancer. We could substitute toluene. It smells about as good as benzene.
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After my first trip I went back and got 25 more hits the next day and dropped every third day with a different 'agenda' each time and with different people who I wanted to spend time with. I climbed about a third of those and put up an FA called the 'Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test". About a year later when the last move on a route we were putting up turned back every thing we tried and I dropped some dot and went over it again and again in my head for about four hours then went out at first light and stuck it first try.


Then again, the last time I did shrooms was on a big day sailing at Doug's Beach and the woman I did them with and I ended up a totally unable to sail and instead just floated down the river holding hands across our boards too baked to deal with it all.

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my best acid trip ever was about nine years ago. after eight days of climbing my bro larry and i had just topped out on a route on the big stone called space. my friend had to get back to potland, he suggested that we take a quarter hit of some acid that he claimed was old and not very potent so we could get up some energy and bust out the east ledges that night. well five minutes later i was zingin hard. we carried are flying pigs down to the top of ZM so we could toss our bags. i could barely walk i was trippin so hard. we ended up spending the night on top with a full moon and the southeast face of el cap as our veiw. it was a long night and we had some interesting conversations with other climbers who had topped out that evening. that was the best two dollar vacation i have ever had.



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Dropping acid with pigs of any variety, is bold business. I once dropped a hit after being (literally) thrown in a paddy wagon in Chicago and ended up having one of the more unusual and memorable trips of those days. But even I would stop short of navigating the East Ledges under the influence with pigs in tow. Good to hear you ended up hunkering down.

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