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Avitripp Rips Off JayB!


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Seems as though our own little Avitripp likes to rip people off and post their words as his own on other websites:




Look familiar JayB?


"...dig out the latest Chomsky tome, crank-up the Manu Chao on the ipod and slyly but furtively dart eyes about the room to see if the euro/latin/backpacker chicks within earshot happens to notice the dissafected/yankee-dissident/sophisticate/citizen-of-the-world-that-has-yet-to-emigrate-despite-his-grievances who's so different from his more noxious gun-toting-banjo-playing-sisterhumping-fundamentalist countrymen, understands the sheer infallibility of the grand globo-euro-lefto consensus, etc - and stands out from all of the other dissaffected/sophisticate/yankee-dissident types cruising around trying to churn up a little action with the well-rehearsed Chomsky/Zinn/Said riff while they're traveling between semesters/construction projects/fishing seasons. "


Bad form to be sure! HCL.gif

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Whoa, you just registered to out a JayB plagerizer?! He did put it in italics and quotes. He just didn't attribute it.


Nope the OP for that thread put it in italics and quotes. Avitripp’s post (which he later, covenantly deleted) did no such thing. He absolutely tried to pass it off as his own. HCL.gif


He cops to it later in the tread linked only AFTER he was called out by a CC regular!

Edited by TB69
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Before this goes any further I should chime in and say that AviTripp contacted me about this a long time ago. I never responded simply because my spray to correspondence ratio is out of whack most of the time, and I just forgot. Someone wrote me an e-mail about this, and I never got around to registering at SuperTaco to chime in over there and say the same thing that I'll say here.


He contacted me, I wouldn't have cared if he hadn't, but it was nice of him to do so - and while you are free to think whatever you want about the guy, there's no need to go after the guy or be offended on my behalf. If the day ever comes when I feel as though I've written anything that warrants copyright protection, I'll be sure to let everyone know.


Feel free to post these commments at SuperTaco without formally attributing them to me.

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Before this goes any further I should chime in and say that AviTripp contacted me about this a long time ago. I never responded simply because my spray to correspondence ratio is out of whack most of the time, and I just forgot. Someone wrote me an e-mail about this, and I never got around to registering at SuperTaco to chime in over there and say the same thing that I'll say here.


He contacted me, I wouldn't have cared if he hadn't, but it was nice of him to do so - and while you are free to think whatever you want about the guy, there's no need to go after the guy or be offended on my behalf.


Feel free to post these commments at SuperTaco without formally attributing them to me.


Do you realize the revenue stream you are passing up? Good god think of the profits!

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Before this goes any further I should chime in and say that AviTripp contacted me about this a long time ago. I never responded simply because my spray to correspondence ratio is out of whack most of the time, and I just forgot. Someone wrote me an e-mail about this, and I never got around to registering at SuperTaco to chime in over there and say the same thing that I'll say here.


He contacted me, I wouldn't have cared if he hadn't, but it was nice of him to do so - and while you are free to think whatever you want about the guy, there's no need to go after the guy or be offended on my behalf.


Feel free to post these commments at SuperTaco without formally attributing them to me.


Do you realize the revenue stream you are passing up? Good god think of the profits!




Just lame that’s all JayB, and if I’m not mistaken he only contacted you AFTER he was called out on Supertopo, deleted the entire thread, tucked tail and ran. pitty.gif

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What? That doesn’t even make sense. confused.gif

He meant Lance Bass


That doesn't help much. confused.gif


Besides, Check and Mate what???


You stirred up a hornets nest on suportopo, tried to play the smart guy, insulted people for no reason, and as soon as it got ugly you made up some story about going climbing for a few days (despite the fact that you continued to post here) and disappeared.


Check and Mate what? You ran from the fight. You forfeited


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I don't know why anydude™ should get all riled™ at being called out™ and Psydo-Pwned ™ online ™ .


"It's all good" ™ , "so have a nice day dudes"™


...and dudettes™



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Sexual relationships NOT involving sheep? Why should sheep be excluded?


Hey, do you think it’s too late to e-mail ExtremoMtnDude and ask for permission to use LOL now that I’ve already used it as seems to be the accepted practice?



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Well...actually I did go climbing....Stewart and I put up a new route in the bluffs on sunday(saturday was called due to hangover/soccer)....actually more of a variation on an old route...on Battered Balls


Thanks to those who defended me here....but I think I was in the wrong here....and NeverSurfaced got an apology from me regarding this situation, as did other parties on this site for past tiffs I've been involved in. The situation on ST got me to thinking about how my perception of peoples responses can be so far off... I am not defending my actions....they are basically un-defendable... The person who "outed" me on ST obviously is not feeling the love....oh well....get in the line-up...but I find it funny that the same anonimity they so charge me with using to my advantage....you are now hiding behind...but don't worry....your identity is safe with me.


Part of it stems from my love of shit-stirring, I guess...but eventually you have to sleep in the bed you make.


For the record: To those I've offended now, in the future, or in the past...I am sorry.

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Well...actually I did go climbing....Stewart and I put up a new route in the bluffs on sunday(saturday was called due to hangover/soccer)....actually more of a variation on an old route...on Battered Balls


Thanks to those who defended me here....but I think I was in the wrong here....and NeverSurfaced got an apology from me regarding this situation, as did other parties on this site for past tiffs I've been involved in. The situation on ST got me to thinking about how my perception of peoples responses can be so far off... I am not defending my actions....they are basically un-defendable... The person who "outed" me on ST obviously is not feeling the love....oh well....get in the line-up...but I find it funny that the same anonimity they so charge me with using to my advantage....you are now hiding behind...but don't worry....your identity is safe with me.


Part of it stems from my love of shit-stirring, I guess...but eventually you have to sleep in the bed you make.


For the record: To those I've offended now, in the future, or in the past...I am sorry.


Well I’ll be damned, that’s the last thing I expected!


I checked the thread in question and didn’t find anything even closely resembling an apology, just a lot of name-calling. I supposed though you could have manned-up in another thread or perhaps via e-mail.


And don’t worry, I know my identity is safe. I’m hiding the last place you’d think to look: in plain sight.



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