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It looks like it but, I believe there is one mushroom that can look like it, not sure if the look-a-like also grows on the West coast. I am by far not an expert, I just like mushsmile.gif. I have never eaten these though, suppose to be the most potent of halucenigenic shrooms, but also believed to have cause some deaths.

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There are a couple that can look like it, but mostly they are variations. I am curious if this is a Amanita muscaria var. flavivolvata variation, and if so, is it still worth the trouble of eating.


The Panther Cap is the main one I understand that I have to watch for, although it is also an Amanita and not deadly. And I think it is more brownish?


Anyone experienced?

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Another reference, these guys are pretty thorough and have some great pics.


Erowid Amanita page

Actually, that is the page that caused me to question my initial call. It's this statement:


There are many species of mushrooms in the Amanita genus which are not psychoactive. Some are deadly poisonous while others are edible.


Which ones of the Amanita genus would this one be confused with that are deadly? I don't know of any...

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Another reference, these guys are pretty thorough and have some great pics.


Erowid Amanita page

Actually, that is the page that caused me to question my initial call. It's this statement:


There are many species of mushrooms in the Amanita genus which are not psychoactive. Some are deadly poisonous while others are edible.


Which ones of the Amanita genus would this one be confused with that are deadly? I don't know of any...


LINK, again within Erowid. BUT alot of the ones they link pics of dont remotely resemble Muscaria

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Common wisdom was always to avoid the Amanita's, there are so many other psychoactive mushrooms that are easier to identify and have far fewer risks.


Seconded. Amanita muscaria does NOT contain psilocybin. It is a toxic deleriant. It is a quite different experience than psilocybin mushies, and is toxic in large doses.

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FYI: You can have your mushroom identified by the Mycological Society, they are experts. 206-522-6031


I used to mushroom hunt every fall (non-psychedelic) and would called them if I was ever unsure about an identification.


I've heard that amanita muscaria can be cooked and eaten as (non-toxic, non-psychedlic) food, but I don't know how it tastes.

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Archie, it is amanita muscaria, and I would not eat it. Panthers are brown as you mentioned. Be aware that as amanita ages, it does take on a more yellowish color. There is an amanita look-a-like that has the white "spots" which are smooth whereas amanita "spots" are called "warts" and are like bumps on the cap that can be flaked off. But from your pic, those are clearly warts and that is clearly amanita muscaria.


When working a "hoods in the woods" program in Utah, our summer field operations area was full of them and an enterprising young lady decided to add them to the group food one night. 11 juvies and 3 field staff trippin balls for most of the night did make things interesting...


Amanita is notoriously variable in the potency of toxins as well as hallucinogens. (as are most shrooms..potency varies wildly from cap to cap even ones growing adjacent to each other).


It's rare that someone dies from eating amanita, but it does happen. If you want to shroom, stick with psylocibe variants, much easier on your liver and less likely to kill you.

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