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My beer store finally found a NY distributor who carries Stone. No more "sampler packs" of shitty IPA's brewed by hippy-East-Coast-pride-vermont-is-the-epicenter-of-all-that-is-dank

establishments with labels designed by graphic design weed-smokin' rejects who have poor taste in beer and bad marketing sense. bigdrink.gif

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DHarry you're a fucking pussy for dissin the Iron City. Myron Cope would kick your ass all over da Burgh. Now stfu and go back to drinking your wine coolers lady boy.




BTW, TG's distributor also happens to be the only distributor of IC this side of the Mississippi.

Edited by Winter
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East Coast ex-pats don't get to have it both ways, livin' where you please and pretendin' you reprazent yo roots. Them rights are reserved for those of us living in this shithole.


You're all a buncha West-Coast soft-cocks to us, regardless of where your mommy lives.

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Ironic. I was just getting 'round to posting about how the only thing that sucks more than Iron City beer is the PITTSBURGH FUCKING STEELERS. How you like that, punk?


Seriously though, as a native p-burger you ever swill Pennsylvania Pilsner? I think that's my favorite domestic beer.

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Hey FAG-BOYEEZ, read my previous post! You have to live in the SUCK to brag about the SUCK, got it? Otherwise you're just some pussy, San-Franscisco 49er rootin' for, hair-product wearin', West-Coast Metrosexual, who left your mommy to ROT on the East Coast!

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