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car problems


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so instead of climbing i did, probly a more responsible thing this weekend, i worked on my car.

but now i feel like a dumb ass, the car has been running like hell for the last mounth or so, today i actually made an effort to fix it and it turns out that by tighting a few lose screws that hold upper part of the carb to the lower part, and making sure all the vacume lines were on and fairly tight and wire brushing the spark plugs that were very very carboned up, that the friggin car purrs for the most part.

like i said i feel pretty dumb now it took me like 3 hours of trial and error and now i can drive. the stupid cars been pretty much sittin for a mounth. now i just need to fix the transmisson in my other car, boy thats going to be fun rolleyes.gif

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I actually put a carbon fiber racing johnson rod and replaced all the bushings...it probably just needed a ring job, but it broke down just before moab at the start of the vaction and i didn't want to ruin it (my vacation) so I just filled i up with super engine glue and put in oil everytime I stopped for gas. in fact, i may be the reason there is now an oil shortage....its all over the road beween here and the moonflower camping area.

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I was out smelling the insides of the van, as it has been sitting since we made it back to Seattle a couple of years ago (I seriously did not think it would make it back, and it stopped running after I did get back). It smell yummy...we've been using it as a storage bin, and all gets cooked up in the hot sun. I need to get that thing running...anyone have a rebuilt 2.0 motor for a 79 VW lying around?

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'79 Last of the breadloaves. Too bad it's NOT a vanagon. They take a Suby 2.0 or 2.1 pretty well and there are a couple places down in SoCal that make some tranny adapter plates for them. Real heat, real power, and they don't breakdown/have head gasket probs like the early watercooled ('83 1/2-'84) VWs.


'87 Syncro Westy w' a suby engine conversion is a pretty sweet rig.

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i could probly rebuild it but i dont have all the tools needed, from the sounds of it you might be better off putting a new engine in, try echoads.com i've quite afew early 70's vws, rebuilt engines or good engines in a wrecked car type of thing

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