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Where are last weekend's TRs?


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Skied Yodelin on Sunday. 8" of light(ish) untracked fresh on top of a soft base. Cold temps in the morning kept the snow good until we descended around 2 pm. mix of light snow showers and blue skies was awesome. best part? not another soul around. that is a yodelin first for a sunday! guess everyone was in church? it was a stellar mid-april day. this winter just keeps on giving!

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old school: def. that which the new school finds too difficult to do (possibly the result of too much brain damage caused by crushing their nuts on a rail in the terrain park)


I'm not sure which is funnier - Newschoolers in moguls or Oldschoolers on rails, but it's pretty clear that the Oldschooler+rail combo is way, way more likely to result in hospitalization.

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If they are getting laughs off of us geezers on the rails, then I'm reciprocating and getting a good laugh off of them when they face plant in the moguls, which they invariably do. All I know is, I may be 'old school' but if my skiing skills advance to the point where I can do interesting ski mountaineering, I'm more likely to run into uneven terrain that I need to know how to deal with than I am some groomed tube or a nice shiny rail.

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If they are getting laughs off of us geezers on the rails, then I'm reciprocating and getting a good laugh off of them when they face plant in the moguls, which they invariably do. All I know is, I may be 'old school' but if my skiing skills advance to the point where I can do interesting ski mountaineering, I'm more likely to run into uneven terrain that I need to know how to deal with than I am some groomed tube or a nice shiny rail.


Mogul skiing is great, but having done both moguls and rails I can say that rails are way harder to learn and way more likely to mess you up than moguls - but you are definitely right that mogul skiing is the more practical/transferable of the two skillsets.

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Sat a.m. looked out on the balcony at the thermometer...6 deg F. Fahq. Made an arduous push ascent to Blockbuster up the street, then hit the fly shop for a new line, on to the base to workout. Watch movies. Repress urge to commit violent acts against weatherman on radio.


Sun a.m looked at thermo...14deg F. Jeebus, it's mid April this shit's gotta break soon. Watched movies, read books, watched snow flurry blow through. Dug fishing gear out of closets, stored winter clothes. Rocked some Coltrane and then some Monk at top volume. Repressed urge to commit violence against weatherman on radio.

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