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The end of Spray?


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i hope W finds this annoying... the_finger.gif


i'm sure it will get allot of real world enforcement too...right up there with jaywalking and spitting on the sidewalk. Our law enforcement officers have little better to do than police spray these days for sure. It will look really good for the administration too if we have another terrorist attack and actually had police,fbi,ect diverting resources from tracking terrorist to tracking sprayers online. w = tool




griz (not my real name rolleyes.gif)

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I'd also add that it shows just how out of touch he is with the real world.


All someone needs these days is a name, city and google and you've got someone's address and phone number. It doesn't take allot of imagination to figure out what can be done with that ...robbery, rape,murder, assault, stalking, ect.



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