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anybody have comments on Bishop for bouldering?


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it will usually clear up pretty quickly if it is warm.....


the happy and sads melt out quicker than the milks, but the climbing is barely half as good. If it warms up go to the milks, dale's camp and the pollen grains. I wouldn't spend any time at the tablelands unless you can't climb anywhere else.


if you want some ideas on good problems let me know.

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well, I'll just tell you anyway because I have free time.....


-grovel roof v2 or v3, high slopey top out

-pope's prow v4, classy problem

-cave problem v4, on peabody

-flake route v6, cave boulder

-go granny go v5, grandma P boulder, classic, but not too stellar

-High plains drifter v7, doesn't get any better

those are just a few...


got to dale's camp and just do anything, some of the coolest problems I've ever seen.


Pollen Grains:

-everything on the warm up boulders

-Suspended in Silence v5, dyno to highball, SO good

-Jedi mind tricks v3, classic vertical higball, little scary

-(bee keeper's something) v5, long roof traverse to PUMPY finish, also sweet


man there are a lot of good problems.


seven spanish angels at Get Carter is a good problem.


blah blah blah


whatever you do, don't climb on ironman

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at least he limited his response to actual comments vs. a full on photo assault of himself.


trust me man, it was hard to restrain himself!


hey, and none of those problems are that hard! v7 is the hardest one I put up, and there is only one hard move on that problem.


if v5 is out of your reach you're in trouble anyway

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You don't make sense, kid:


v7 is the hardest one I put up, and there is only one hard move on that problem.


Since when did a one move V7 become easier than a five move V7?


and don't bitch-talk either, punter. if someone's climbing V2, bfd. i don't think your in a position to be smacking on anyone for their lack of climbing ability.

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oh I'm definitely not bashing anybody...I probably can't climb v5


you know what I'm talking about when there is a problem that is all hard moves, and then a problem with mostly easier moves and one hard move. don't know what I'm talking about...?


alright sorry i thought you were being mean. cry.gif


but about the difficulty of a route: often the problem with one crux move versus the same grade problem with no distinct crux but many similarly difficult moves gives me more problems, but I guess it's all subjective, isn't it?

it's all climbing!

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can you please tell me what a "climb start" is...???


sexy C, have you ever seen "The Weasel" at squam??? There is a problem that is full value for the grade, every move is what that problem is rated compared to all the other problems of the same grade in the forest.

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