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Bouldery Starts


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Boy wonder comes to rescue of his reach-around buddy?


Well....anyone who uses the Bourdon book MUST know their shit. Do you enjoy buying select guides and spraying your sorry shit on the web? I guess walking up the stairs is "bouldery" if you lead 5.2. I'll tell you what, why don't you and your lil' buddy c'mon up to squamish and we can play a game of follow the leader? Leave your rope at home. Can you back up that shit you talk? No? Then stay home and wash out your pussy.



Afternoon drinking is so charming. I'd appreciate it if you two would take your tussle to spray. wave.gif

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Boy wonder comes to rescue of his reach-around buddy?


Well....anyone who uses the Bourdon book MUST know their shit. Do you enjoy buying select guides and spraying your sorry shit on the web? I guess walking up the stairs is "bouldery" if you lead 5.2. I'll tell you what, why don't you and your lil' buddy c'mon up to squamish and we can play a game of follow the leader? Leave your rope at home. Can you back up that shit you talk? No? Then stay home and wash out your pussy.



Afternoon drinking is so charming. I'd appreciate it if you two would take your tussle to spray. wave.gif



It's not worthy of spray. yellowsleep.gif

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that first pic is from baker crags.


that dyno is low, and if you miss the move before it or the dyno if some slack out you will land on those rocks. Plus kris's gf was belaying me, she weighs like 120lbs, hence the crashpad. It is joe's pad anyway, so shut the F up.


that second pic is sized down and converted, the tif image looks nice....

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So let me get this straight - if it's a 5.7 crack but narrows to be 5.9 somewhere in the middle for a few moves, it gets a 5.9 rating.


If you take the same narrow section and move it to the top it's still 5.9.


But if you then take that very same narrow bit and move it to the bottom suddenly it's 5.7?


I thought the idea was to rate the hardest move on the climb. confused.gif

Edited by Ed_Seedhouse
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I would assume hes talking about the route pearly gates at pearly gates: bulgy bouldery start that requires pretty good balance. obviously uncharacteristic to the rest of the climb as pearly gates is known for its cracks...I was actually going to chime in with this one because its the first one that came to mind when i saw this thread. not the best route at PG, but a fun one.

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wait a minute, i just looked at my guide, that's not the route i was thinking of, that is a fun one though! I wouldnt say its a bouldery start, just layback crack to the roof and then you got a bolt. No, the one I was thinking of up there is Easy Pickings: "A bouldery sequence past a bolt gains a thin crack....." I guess i should have done some research before running my mouth on a internet message board....o wait.

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So let me get this straight - if it's a 5.7 crack but narrows to be 5.9 somewhere in the middle for a few moves, it gets a 5.9 rating.


If you take the same narrow section and move it to the top it's still 5.9.


But if you then take that very same narrow bit and move it to the bottom suddenly it's 5.7?


I thought the idea was to rate the hardest move on the climb. confused.gif


a common misconception. climbs are rated in the YDS by overall difficulty, not by the hardest move. in the case of boulder starts, it is much easier to climb a boulder problem off the deck, with as many tries as you want and no fall consequence, than it is at the top of a climb (particularly if you don't haul your rack up until you are past the bouldery opening moves) so the difficulty of boulder starts is not reflected in the overall number grade for the route. wave.gif

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The only route at the Pearly Gates that is truly "bouldery" at the start is Leap of Faith and the rating (10d) is for the opening moves. Celestial Groove has a difficult start but last I remember 5.9 is hard and I feel the grade reflects an accurate rating of the difficulties. If CBS feels it's "way harder" he needs to learn how to hand jam...


Easy Pickens is contrived IMO.

- bigdrink.gif

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The only route at the Pearly Gates that is truly "bouldery" at the start is Leap of Faith and the rating (10d) is for the opening moves. Celestial Groove has a difficult start but last I remember 5.9 is hard and I feel the grade reflects an accurate rating of the difficulties. If CBS feels it's "way harder" he needs to learn how to hand jam...


Easy Pickens is contrived IMO.

- bigdrink.gif

CG starts with a layback. The jams suck and it is almost horizontal.
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Sorry, we've all converted to Avitripp's rating system:


If it's got a hard start and you rate it by that, you're a whining crybaby.


Otherwise the grades remain the same.


Hope that helps! wave.gif


Just to clarify my position.... I never said anything regarding whether "bouldery starts" exist or not. I simply disagreed with Layton on whether Crime of the Century and Phlemish Dance have "bouldery starts" (they don't) which he chose to respond to with a threat to "smack me"...thus ensued the lively, and entertaining exchange. If people in other countries choose to "defend" themselves they're terrorists huh?...they must put something in the water. yellaf.gif


So whats the (boulder)problem? wave.gif


Should't you be in J-Tree MisterE? Lots of boulder starts there...

Edited by avitripp
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