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What do the admins do?


They pay the big server bill. They try to make sure things work. They answer endless emails from people who have their caps lock down when they are trying to login. They deal with a lot of BS.


Recently they spend a ton of time working on the a big upgrade to cc.com.


Tim and I have been running this place for over 5 years now, and up until now we haven't found anyone that really had the technical ability or time or will to help us. When there are only two people and both are either busy or burnt out this place takes a backseat. Oly brings a lot to the table and has so far put together some pretty rad shit..... you just wait.

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What do the admins do?


They pay the big server bill. They try to make sure things work. They answer endless emails from people who have their caps lock down when they are trying to login. They deal with a lot of BS.


Recently they spend a ton of time working on the a big upgrade to cc.com.


Tim and I have been running this place for over 5 years now, and up until now we haven't found anyone that really had the technical ability or time or will to help us. When there are only two people and both are either busy or burnt out this place takes a backseat. Oly brings a lot to the table and has so far put together some pretty rad shit..... you just wait.






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