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Olyclimber an Administrator?


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Don't worry, I'll preserve your posts in my cache so that your daughter can read them when she comes of age. By the way, I hope George W Bush doesn't piss off China too much. I was archiving Yahoo! News today and I saw that he was promoting Taiwan as a "great democracy". That'll piss off more than a few Chinamen.


Olyclimber: remember, your son will be reading this stuff too in a few years. What a legacy to leave a child.

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there are a lot of player haters out there. I get by with the following affirmations:


I am an honest, intelligent, and hardworking man.

I am a competent, intelligent, caring, and lovable woman capable of doing anything I choose.

I am a bright, humorous, healthy woman who is happy with my chosen life.

I am a strong, intelligent, compassionate woman, and I am a role model for others.

I am an intelligent, self-motivated, knowledgeable woman determining to reach my potential and trusting God to lead me.

I am a determined, persistent, motivated woman striving to achieve my greatest goals and aspirations, and I genuinely believe I will be successful.

I am a patient, persevering, focused person committed to redefining my value system.

I am a friendly, affable, caring man who is eager to see how God will use me next.

I am an intelligent, persistent, and organized woman capable of achieving all that I choose.

I a disciplined, determined, and persistent woman, and I am confident I will achieve my dreams.

I am a strong, healthy, and intelligent woman, and I can do anything I put my mind to do.

I am a persistent, capable, creative, positive, caring person.

I am a strong, confident, persistent, supportive woman, and I am enjoying life.

I am a skilled, determined, persistent individual creating my own goals.

I am a patient, listening, open man achieving my goals for life.

I am an organized, persistent, and goal-oriented woman achieving my potential.

I am an intelligent, focused, and determined woman, and I am successful.

I am a bold, joyful, lovable man.

I am a sensitive, honest, and intelligent woman who is getting it right.

I am a creative, organized, motivated woman.

I am a caring, persistent, knowledgeable woman, helping others to succeed in college and in life.

I am an intelligent, powerful, committed woman, and I love life.

I am a secure, compassionate woman with abundant willpower, and I keep my word.

I am a persistent, energetic, confident, and capable woman, realizing my potential.

I am steadfast, conscientious, and focused.

Life is simple, caring is profound, and I believe in both.

I am a healthy, focused supported woman enjoying in this moment the life

I am a positive, caring, well-balanced woman, who takes time to nurture myself and those I love.

I am a strong, honest, saved woman, making things happen with God, and I love life in Him.

I am a humor-filled, persistent, courageous person discovering my purpose.

I am a caring, motivated, peaceful person.

I am an assertive, creative, and confident person who enjoys caring people and humor.

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