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I cannot believe this...you losers are still at it! Well, I guess I didn't expect any less. Well, keep at it...I've heard that a 1000 monkey with a 1000 fluff machines will eventually type something worthwhile. But then again, monkeys are smarter than you are, so it will probably take you longer.

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ooohhh...the Count's weighing in! Between him and slowblow, we have the collective IQ of a earth worm. Ok...that was low...how about 1/2 and earth worm?


I normally don't weigh in on a name-calling thread, but that is some weak shit. Please go back to the third grade and learn to insult people properly. As for the rest of you, carry on.

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Wow FenderDumberThanA2X4! Thats impressive! You sure showed me rolleyes.gif


Anyway, unlike all of you, I don't have my whole life to waste sitting looking at a computer screen. I'm actually a climber, unlike you washed up fluffer spewers. Do the world a favor and stick your head in the oven if you can't actually stop fluffing and do something with your life.

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Well, keep at it...I've heard that a 1000 monkey with a 1000 fluff machines will eventually type something worthwhile. But then again, monkeys are smarter than you are


If your going to insult intelligence..fix your grammar cheese log

1000 monkey??? with a??? who's the monkey or...wait monkeys??

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Rest assured, I am not Chaps. No matter how inane some of my posts may be, they pale in comparison to the Queen Fluff Boi's drivel.


And Chaps just may well be a mod. I was thinking earlier how dead Spray is today. Maybe a mod decided to get the ball rolling...

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