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[TR] Eldo-Early-Marble-Dorado Circuit- 9/23/2005


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Climb: Eldo-Early-Marble-Dorado Circuit-


Date of Climb: 9/23/2005


Trip Report:

A confusing name for a confusing trip: The highest summit was the easiest; we didn’t set foot on the route we had crossed three glaciers for; and the real crux was barely 5th class. But what a place to close out the summer season!


Not much to say about the standard Eldorado approach with 4-day packs, except it really makes you appreciate the views from camp.


Aint that NW arête of Forbidden a beauty!



After a slow wake up, the ramble up the East ridge went smoothly and we were soon traversing the big glaciers toward Dorado Col, where we found a descent (though dry) bivy spot.




Dorado (left), Marble (center) & Praying Mantis (right) from the east



We had come for the classic SW face of Early Morning Spire, but were having trouble believing we could move quickly enough, given the chilly temps, short daylight and “party-of-three” factor (yeah, we’re old farts). That’s when the “Dorado tri-fecta” concept was born.


From camp we dropped down onto the Marble Glacier, then back up under Dorado’s SW face toward the col behind Early Morning Spire. The nasty melted-out gully at the top looked like a potential stopper, but went via a slab traverse (Andy) and a short dirty wall (by class 3 specialist Peter) - both quite unprotectable. After summiting EMS via the back route (good rock finally), we climbed snow and a jungle gym of garage-door blocks (class 4) up toward Marble Needle.




From the ridge, Marble’s summit was attained easily, and a rappel and short glacier traverse got us to the NW col of Dorado. An icy moat blocked the standard access to the rock, so we traversed ramps around right, then back left onto the impeccable NW ridge.




Andy quickly led through the huge blocks and amazing knife-edge sections to the summit – easily the nicest climbing of the trip. A rappel and some down climbing got us back to the base, with just enough twilight to weave down through the crevasses to camp. Suddenly, hauling that little flask of Jim Beam and those tuna steak packets seemed well worth the effort. And damn, I guess the SW face will still be there next year. And my memories of crossing endless talus slopes will have faded.





Thanks to compadres Andy and Peter for their common sense, good cooking, and fine photos!


Gear Notes:

Standard glacier and rock gear


Approach Notes:

Crossed Cascade River on logs about 100' downstream of parking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't help but wonder if your recommendation is based on personal experience, Skeezix? Having done the Triad approach (nice but long!), I'm thinking I'd take the Roush Creek approach to Eldo-Triad col. With an early start, might get into the cirque and bivy there to shorten the approach and descent.

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