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Does Bush think we're morons?


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While you could detest abortion but still uphold Roe it is quite unlikely in this case. If she truly believes abortion is murder (and all indications fhow this) to do such would require upholding a technicality of law against a serious wrong. We are talking legacy here and to eliminate Roe would be a huge victory to the Fundamentalist Right (cororate right could care less) and she and Bush would be considered heros forever.

If Roe were overturned it does not make abortion illeagle it only allows states to pass their own laws. I assume most of the Bible belt would do so. Anyone not in poverty would likely go to a blue state for the operation or proceedure.

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If the protections afforded by Roe v. Wade were removed, I'll name 25 states right now where abortion would become illegal.


And Kaskads, I don't share your "confidence" (may I call it that?).

Roe v. Wade was based upon an interpretation of Constitutional protections; with an ultra-conservative interpretation, it could come out very differently.

Even without an out-right over-turn of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court could, with its conservative agenda, allow states more leeway to interpret Roe v. Wade, slowly chipping away its protections, yes?

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Yup, its all politics and I'd almost LIKE to see the Senate vote to confirm a candidate who says they hope to overturn Roe v. Wade. Maybe something like that could help wake some folks up to the nature of what is being imposed on us by these liars. "I want a strict constructionsist who will preserve unlimited power for the President to wage war without the approval of Congress, who will fight for your right to shoot your neighbor, force you to live out the last few weeks or months of your life in absolute misery while you die from cancer, and allow churches to be substituted for government agencies."

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Not to be a cynic or anything but you guys have fully taken the bait 100%. R v W will not be overturned precisely because it appeals to both bases of the two main political parties. The whole abortion issue is a tactic designed to raise funds and distract us from things of far more importance.


By the way listeing to NPR last night they described Bush's response to the repeated abortion questions as a "Lawyer's response."

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Not to be a cynic or anything but you guys have fully taken the bait 100%. R v W will not be overturned precisely because it appeals to both bases of the two main political parties. The whole abortion issue is a tactic designed to raise funds and distract us from things of far more importance.


Exactly. And if RvW were overturned, the Republicans would likely lose power at the next election. The public does not like radical change. So, the Republicans walk a fine line of pretending to want to overturn it, but not actually doing that.

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Not to be a cynic or anything but you guys have fully taken the bait 100%. R v W will not be overturned precisely because it appeals to both bases of the two main political parties. The whole abortion issue is a tactic designed to raise funds and distract us from things of far more importance.


That's right you guys. If you even discuss the ramifications of conservative appointments to the Supreme Court, you're playing right into the hands of this administration, because conservative appointments are simply a SMOKESCREEN intended to distract y'all from something MUCH BIGGER and more important. Hehe.

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A woman's right to choose is not the popular idea it once was. The country has become a lot more conservative than it was in the 1970s. The Evangelicals are a huge voting base.


It would be really unfortunate, but I think we could see Roe fall or be seriously curtailed here in the next decade or two.

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I think that abortion has pretty much lost it's clout for the GOP unless some results are provided. If it is overturned thaey can then start campaigning for new state laws to outlaw it, then they can revive the Human Life Constitutional amendment to outlaw it in the holdout blue states.

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Not to be a cynic or anything but you guys have fully taken the bait 100%. R v W will not be overturned precisely because it appeals to both bases of the two main political parties. The whole abortion issue is a tactic designed to raise funds and distract us from things of far more importance.


That's right you guys. If you even discuss the ramifications of conservative appointments to the Supreme Court, you're playing right into the hands of this administration, because conservative appointments are simply a SMOKESCREEN intended to distract y'all from something MUCH BIGGER and more important. Hehe.


Never one to miss an opporunity to be smug but rarely one to respond directly. The abortion debate is a smokescreen designed to stop more substantial debate.


Here is something to mull over: link

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The Rebpulican party has done an amazing job turning politics into a ideological debate, particularly a debate about abortion and this "family values" bullshit they trumpet. The right can fool themselves all they want, but they hold the majority of the blame for turning our political system from one that can address real issues into one that polarizes people over this ideological bullshit they spout. I pray that sooner or later people will open their eyes to this and realize they've sacrificed their own well being, not to mention the well being of this nation, by voting in people whos aim is to push their ideology on the rest of us.



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Not to be a cynic or anything but you guys have fully taken the bait 100%. R v W will not be overturned precisely because it appeals to both bases of the two main political parties. The whole abortion issue is a tactic designed to raise funds and distract us from things of far more importance.


There is NOTHING more important to me than human rights.


This issue may not seem important to you because you have the privilege of being a man and can therefore choose to view this as a relatively unimportant womens issue. It is not.


It does, however, feel like a bunch of old men dictating to women what we can and cannot do to control our own destinies. What's next? Removing our choice to vote? To attend college? To play school sports? I mean, it wasn't too long ago that women fought hard to win these choices as well...

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Another example of someone who not only has bitten but enjoys the taste of the bait. Suppose for example our economy achieves growths rate similar to what Germany has experienced over the past several years. What real impact would such a decrease have? Can you contemplate how many people would loose health benefits? How many would die early? How would a bad economy impact the crime rate? How many murders would result? How would the loss of commerce with devloping countries impact them? How many would die there?


Expand your mind. Consequences unseen still happen. What would my great great grandmother who came from Norway what mattered most to her a full stomach or the right to an abortion. In case you do not know people were starving to death there at the turn of the century.


Butterfly wings.

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we are morons. we elected him again! btw- i also like the idea of some 36y/o woman running immigration office. she even doesn't have a law degree! and yeah- the head of FEMA was a horse sealsman! and fuck yeah, let's nominate someone for a supreme court judge who never worked as a judge! and someone who is religoius nut!


Harriet Miers called her longtime Dallas minister and his wife and - without revealing why - asked for their prayers to give her "grace under pressure."


click here


That call to the Rev. Ron and Kaycia Key illustrates the depth of Miers' spirituality and years of devoted worship at a conservative nondenominational Christian church that preaches against abortions and gay marriages.

now we know

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cantfocus.gif => don't be so hard on yourself. smirk.gif



I'll try a different approach:

A genie offers you a choice of two really cool things. You must pick one. The first choice would make abortion rights irrevocable. The second choice would bring up all those currently living in poverty in the US metro regions up to (at least) national averages for education, neighborhood crime rates and employment/income. What would you pick? Would you really choose the first?

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There is NOTHING more important to me than human rights.


I love it when pro-abortionists say this. yelrotflmao.gif


Again you have made a wrong assumption about me (this is in reference to me, right).


I am not pro-abortion. If I were, the first thing I would do is lobby to have you aborted.

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What would my great great grandmother who came from Norway what mattered most to her a full stomach or the right to an abortion. In case you do not know people were starving to death there at the turn of the century.

And people were starving to death in New York, Chicago and San Francisco rolleyes.gif

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cantfocus.gif => don't be so hard on yourself. smirk.gif



I'll try a different approach:

A genie offers you a choice of two really cool things. You must pick one. The first choice would make abortion rights irrevocable. The second choice would bring up all those currently living in poverty in the US metro regions up to (at least) national averages for education, neighborhood crime rates and employment/income. What would you pick? Would you really choose the first?


That is the lamest hypothetical question I have ever heard.

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cantfocus.gif => don't be so hard on yourself. smirk.gif



I'll try a different approach:

A genie offers you a choice of two really cool things. You must pick one. The first choice would make abortion rights irrevocable. The second choice would bring up all those currently living in poverty in the US metro regions up to (at least) national averages for education, neighborhood crime rates and employment/income. What would you pick? Would you really choose the first?


Why choose? We should be able to have it all! grin.gif

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