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My stepfather....


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Let's see, he's an alcoholic whose preferred method of inebriation is white wine.


He's more interested in the television set than the world around him.


He opted to ignore warnings from a gas utility service-person that the current pipe configuration poses a potential CO hazard to save a few bucks at the risk of his family's health.


He spends 12 hours a day at a dead end job in order to procrastinate his inevitable chore of ignoring the rest of the world in front of the television set for 4 hours before bed.


He has a negative comment for every meal my mother ever makes.


He doesn't help her with the horses and she's been forced to give them away because she has nowhere to board them anymore and he's never bothered to work with her to develop a plan for purchasing land. (Did I mention that the horses are wild mustangs adopted from the BLM?)


He breaks his glasses and wears prescription safety goggles for months on end because he's too lazy to go buy new frames.


His home falls apart around his ears but he won't let anyone else work on it because he doesn't trust them to repair things properly. Then when he does get around to making repairs he pulls half-assed bullshit like replacing the flooring of the porch (that rotted out because he did a shit job the first time) and then allowing the new boards to rot unpainted through the winter.


Should I go on?

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Back to the issue...


I'm no psychotherapist or anything like that, but has counseling been suggested to either/both of them? I personally don't put a lot of stock in it, but then again, I've never had counseling for anything.


If the heel is too much of a fuckstick to benefit by counseling, maybe your mom can take some solace from it. Hell, maybe she'd even get up the gumption to kick his lazy ass out the door, and begin anew! thumbs_up.gif

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While re-training to be a paralegal, my mom used to volunteer her time and training at a women's support center in Anchorage (a few stories from there that would make even the most ardent misogynist want to beat up the nearest man). Most of the time, they dealt with DV but they have a lot more available than a shoulder to cry on, though that's useful too. You/she might look into it.

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What the fuck does he care about jesus? He's Irish Catholic.


I've suggested therapy to my mom. She's not receptive and not honest with herself about her situation.


My step father will only benefit from the sweet relief of death, something he's been rapidly advancing towards through self-inflicted poisoning (drinking, cigarettes and lousy diet, as well as a few near-death accidents like falling out of tree that he tried to trim himself to save money). Unfortunately his father (who made him look like a fucking saint) did all the same and lived into his '80s.

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have you talked to him about jesus?


By the sounds of it, E-rock's fucktard stepshit prolly thinks he IS Jesus. rolleyes.gif


This is what I'm on about regarding the counseling. If she isn't already a DV case, she's certainly being mentally/verbally abused. This is no fucking good for her self-esteem, of which she needs a new infusion in order to kick this creep out of the house. If she does nothing, it's only a matter of time before she starts being physically abused, as statistics will bear out.

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I'm just sayin, whenever someone tries to talk to me about jesus as a means to change my life, I want to kill myself just to get out of the conversation.


see how jesus can work miracles?


So what you're saying is "Break out the rope, stock up on vittles, and call up the Jehovah's Witnesses!"?

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