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I'm curious why you haven't condemned the mayor of New Orleans. While he's busy bitching about the administration, complaining about his lack of air conditioning, and expressing paranoia about a CIA assasination plot, over 2/3 of HIS own police force has DESERTED. No Rudy Guliani, he.


Had Bush rushed to the scene in a more expedient fashion, no doubt you would have accused him of pandering to a red-state. And meanwhile, on another thread, a liberal laments the limited destruction inflicted on the deep south and expresses his desire to see the entire region inundated.

You guys are fucking amazing.


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Fairweather, what's the thread where "a liberal laments the limited destruction inflicted on the deep south..." ?


Regarding the police force, they were without supplies and communication and spent the first 48 hours after the storm working around the clock. Now they are resting and tending to their families.

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I'm curious why you haven't condemned the mayor of New Orleans. While he's busy bitching about the administration, complaining about his lack of air conditioning, and expressing paranoia about a CIA assasination plot, over 2/3 of HIS own police force has DESERTED. No Rudy Guliani, he.


Fair enough - I'm sure there's plenty of blame to go 'round. But if we're going to start drawing comparisons with Guliani, let's make sure we're comparing apples to apples.


In New York, two buildings were destroyed - that's all. The vast, vast majority of the city and its infrastructure were completely intact and functioning perfectly. The police and other emergency services were able to get to and from the site of the World Trade Centre without much difficulty. The water and sewer systems were still functioning. Hospitals still had electricity, and food, and drugs, and doctors and nurses. In fact, the hospitals were ramped up with extra staff brought in from surrounding jurisdictions in anticipation of survivors who never arrived.


In New Orleans, the entire city is under water. The vast, vast majority of the city's infrastructure has collapsed or shut down. Police and other emergency services are unable to move anywhere because of flooded roadways and collapsed bridges and debris-choked streets, not to mention the fact their stations, and their vehicles, and all the other resources necessary to their jobs are all under water. The electrical, water, and sewer systems have shut down. Hospitals that have no water, no electricity, no drugs, no food, and only skeleton medical staffs have been inundated with casualties, with absolutely no resources available to treat them.


Those police who finally gave up the ghost after five days without relief were faced with a completely futile task, one that wasn't worth risking their lives for since they had no resources, no back-up, no food and water for themselves much less anyone else, and there was no relief in sight. So, like good Republicans, they decided to let the poor and the sick and the homeless fend for themselves, and you've got a problem with that wink.gif?


So when deciding who to be critical of, I for one tend to look to see who is in the best position to actually do something about the situation at hand; who has the necessary material and human resources at their disposal; who has the power and authority to bring those resources to bear. In this case, we get to chose between a) a mayor who's entire city has basically been destroyed, along with all the resources normally at his disposal, and b) the President of the United States of America, relaxing at his "ranch" in Texas. Hmmm, this is a tough one... lessee now... eenie, meenie, miney, moe...


Had Bush rushed to the scene in a more expedient fashion, no doubt you would have accused him of pandering to a red-state.


And on this, I simply call "Bullshit"

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bush supporters, answer this:

so, when mr bush says (not word for word but something like this) I am getting in my helicoptor and leaving here in a minute, but I will not forget what I saw here, this is to be considered a respectable job as a president?


And to say, NO one expected the levees to fail....


I really think that perhaps the shrub has forgotten his brain in Texas this time, for sure.

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I've been annoyed by Bush and the Fed's "Help is on the way" response. Wasn't it the Repubs who bashed Kerry and the Dems for saying that in their campaign? It's like, "Are we there yet? Just a little bit further. Almost."


I wanted to hear:


Personnel and equipment were prepped a day before the storm landed. The day after the storm, we will have resources to feed 25000 per day and house 10000. We'll have a field hospital and have SAR crews and MPs active.

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"If I put you out on the street and made you get into gun battles all day with no place to urinate and no place to defecate, I don't think you would be too happy either," Mr. Compass said in an interview. "Our vehicles can't get any gas. The water in the street is contaminated. My officers are walking around in wet shoes."


P. Edwin Compass III, New Orleans Superintendent of Police

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I'm curious why you haven't condemned the mayor of New Orleans. While he's busy bitching about the administration, complaining about his lack of air conditioning, and expressing paranoia about a CIA assasination plot, over 2/3 of HIS own police force has DESERTED. No Rudy Guliani, he.


from CNN:


Nagin told CNN that his top priority on Sunday was to start moving traumatized police and firefighters out of the city so that they can get medical and psychological treatment.


"They've been holding the city together for three or four days, almost by themselves -- doing everything imaginable and the toll is just to much for them," Nagin said. "So, I need to get them out and we've been trying to figure out where to take them so they can reunite with their families."


Police Superintendent Eddie Compass said that two of his officers have committed suicide, including one who had just learned his wife had died.


Compass also said that reports that 60 percent of the police force had deserted was "totally ridiculous."

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Here's a piece from "The Conservative Voice". Hmmm. Interesting title. Now we see where Fairweather and friends get their hard hitting analysis. Would anyone of you nasty little conservative shits dare to defend this steaming pile of horseshit?! Come on, these are your ideological brethren! Defend it! wazzup.gif


"Mr. Mayor Of New Orleans, you are no Mayor Giuliani"

September 04, 2005 12:12 AM EST

By Marie Jon'


Every human being that has a heart is seeing what has taken place in New Orleans. What we are seeing is truly unbelievable! When looking at this disaster and the horrors that have taken place we are all shaken with sadness.

Our eyes and ears can hardly believe what we are seeing and hearing. After three days, thousands of people are still wondering when they will be rescued.

It seems that man has no way to pull themselves together to save and protect dying people. Bush Says "Relief results not acceptable"


We all can see that government is almost totally helpless to take care of things. This is the lesson we all need to learn as we watch people perishing as big government stumbles all over it's incapable feet! However the local government failed it's people! Where was their plan of escape?

Our president is working to take care of the total breakdown of communications and the lawlessness that now seems to reign. We have seen America's breakdown as God has been shoved aside as if he were a monster.

Thanks to the ACLU and their ilk, any form of godliness is unacceptable. The very liberal and progressive one-world government envisioned by the ACLU and the United Nation seems also to be embraced by the far left in America. Thus we now see in these dire desperate days the results of their miserable works in New Orleans. Mayhem rapes the United States of her dignity at the hands of lawless thugs.

The Democrat's (DNC) form of socialism robs people from taking stock of their responsibility for their own lives.


The lack of some people's personal responsibility was very much at fault in New Orleans. How can one person by the name of G. W. Bush be expected to give back in three days what has been stolen for many decades of spiritual neglect and willful robbing a nation of it's moral compass!


Open your eyes and see that lawlessness and neglect comes from a nation that has pushed the almighty aside and told it's people that the Ten Commandments are really a relic and a man made myth!

The thugs and monsters of society are now the face seen all over the world as America's new face. Everyone knew this horrifying event was going to take place, yet people rolled the dice and played the odds!


More than ever we need God in our lives. A Master's plan was correct from the very beginning. We hide our faces from it. Without God being foremost in our lives, improper thinking to look after a city that was doomed for a disaster, has finally come to fruition. The bigger the government, the slower the response. Mayors come and mayors go. Mr. Mayor Of New Orleans, you are no Mayor Giuliani. Fact: Crime is very very intense in New Orleans. New Orleans has a murder rate that is eight times that of New York City.

After five days the National Guard came in to save a people. We cannot think that big government can take care of all Americans. The Lord has a better time and a better place. Lets take ourselves there this day in prayer.

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You make the usual liberal/left mistake of branding all conservatives as religious. Far from the truth. I have never seen the article you posted, nor do I agree with most of its conclusions. Nice try.


On another note; I doubt you would call me, PP, JB, KK, "nasty little conservative shits" in person....so why don't you just tone it down a bit.




A noun

1 proletarian, prole, worker

a member of the working class (not necessarily employed); "workers of the world--unite!"

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Your post gives the impression that you choose to attack and fight opposing views that are insipid in substance, which implies a similar depth and quality of your arsenal. Citing a statement rife with religious qualifiers is a further note of weakness as it can be dismissed off-handedly.


A double stroke: inanity reaches a new height in the guise of serious fervor.

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Yeah, like shooting fish in a barrel. Sure, except these are the terms that define much of the political and cultural discourse in this country. Most disturbingly, they are the terms used frequently and loudly by the political leadership that people on this message board often defend. While the "commentary" in question is more a finger-painting than anything else, many of the hallmarks of popular conservatism are there, and I don't think anyone following conservative pundits in the post-Katrina news would be unfamiliar with this writers' comments. I guess I'm just engaging with the "real world" for a change. I'll go back to the ivory tower now.

Fairweather, what is your point about the etymological (sp.?) roots of my chosen avatar? Do you work? Are you contemptuous of people that do? Are "working class" and "unemployed" bad words for you? Are you completely insane?

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All and all, as much as I think Bush is a shitty economic president, I can't honestly rail on him for the unemployment rate being *that* low. It's rare (and, eventually, unhealthy) that the economy be fully employed. Remember that full employment is around 4%, so when you start flirting with that number, inflation will follow suit.


Now, on the other hand, the current unemployment situation doesn't count the large number of people that either went back to school or have been dropped from the labor force. Count in those people and the rate would be higher.



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