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Strange Interactions


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Last Sunday as I stood at the top of the east face gully of Kaleetan, a pair of climbers appeared from the south. After the usual greeting, the woman asked if I was alone. After I responded that I was, she asked if I had water.


Not like "We ran out of water, do you have any to spare?", but more like, "Do you have ample water to complete your trip?"


Like the way your mom asks if you've had enough to eat.


It reminded me of the time in the trailhead parking lot the night before a trip into Glacier Peak when a drunk walked out of the dark and asked us how many tents we had.

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Did she have large breasts? I've always thought well-endowed ladies tended to be more maternal.

I think she was asking him if he had enough water, not milk. bigdrink.gif

Maybe she wanted to lighten her load. I've heard women climbers are evolving nipples that more closely emulate bite valves.
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Last Sunday as I stood at the top of the east face gully of Kaleetan, a pair of climbers appeared from the south. After the usual greeting, the woman asked if I was alone. After I responded that I was, she asked if I had water.


Not like "We ran out of water, do you have any to spare?", but more like, "Do you have ample water to complete your trip?"


Like the way your mom asks if you've had enough to eat.

The familiarity you discerned in her question may have stemmed from the comraderie many automatically ascribe to interactions with others in remote settings. No big whup.
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Well? Did you?


I took my last sip about 20 yards before reaching the parking lot. (I was well-hydrated throughout the trip.)


Again proving that no matter what anyone says or does in the mountains, someone on cc.com will bitch about it


How did you construe what I wrote as a "bitch"?

I just found it an odd question and thought I'd share the experience.

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