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Really Great Books


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"Sensory Exotica: A World Beyond Human Experience", Howard C. Hughes.


"Monsters of the Deep", Richard Ellis


"The Book of the New Sun", Gene Wolfe


"Foucault's Pendulum", Umberto Eco


"A Soldier of the Great War", Mark Helprin


"Space is the Place: The Lives and Times of Sun Ra", John F. Szwed


"Mount Analogue", Rene Daumal


"Quantum Psychology", Robert Anton Wilson


"Nadja", Andre Breton


"Last Call", Tim Powers. Now you'll know what it means when someone tells you they are going to "assume the Flamingo".


"Annals of Klepsis", R.A. Lafferty. It's about pirates! laugh.gif ARRRR!

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I just re-read Dune and am trying to apply its premise to the current political situation on Earth. From a leftists' viewpoint (which isn't easy for me to see, but which I believe Frank Herbert was) I can see the following parallels:


The spice: Oil

The space guild: The American public

The Freemen: Radical Islam

The Barron Vladamir Harkonnen: Saddam Hussein or Saudi Royal Family

The Emperor: GWB

Princess Irulan: Laura Bush??

Sardukar Army: American Military

Jessica: Hillary Clinton

Paul Atreides/Maudi'b: The embodiment of religious fanatasism



Any thoughts?

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No shit. Read, am trying to apply its premise to the current political situation on Earth.


Hey I just read THE LORD OF THE RINGS and am trying to apply its premise to the current political situation since that makes just about as much fucking sense as applying Dune. Do you think Bush is Sauron, Saruman, or Gollum? The Hobbits are obviously France. rolleyes.gif

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