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gone bad.


starting to deform. no longer clippable. they do not really grow long so much anymore as they just grow thick, sort of fused to the toe, they can only be sanded down to be flush with my surrounding toe flesh. wtf?


they don't seem to have any fungus, no yelow discoloration, more like a clouded up off_white color.


at least they are not like this:



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Come on people - read the post!

kix said "at least they are not like this:"


Be that as it may, he indicated his own nails were "no longer clippable", "just grow thick", and are a "clouded up off white color." Nails should be clear/pink underneath and shouldn't be thickening; ergo, he has some sort of an infection. The medicine he most likely will need is called Lamisil, and, as texplorer pointed out above, is expensive. Treatment will take a conscientious effort to remain with the regimen.

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those are not my toes.


I don;t think I have any fungus, been that route before, lamasil worked fine, I think my toes are just getting warped from tight shoes and excessive climbing. its really only one toe, the one that gets no roast beef, and it gets jammed up regularly by the pinky, possibly during the wee wee wee all the way home part.


which reminds me I need to stop by the market on the way home.

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Imagine your at a wedding or some such drunken social affair, perhaps for the sake of this daydream you are a woman, a hot woman, a horny hot woman. A really handsome bastard is sitting across from you, I'll do in this role, and you, the hot horny woman flips off your stilletto heel and begins to feel around for some footsie under the table. You make contact and a shoeless foot is returning your efforts. However the really handsome bastard, my role assuming you have been paying attention, is a cool cookie and he is staring off in to the distance, apparently at some slutty brunette on the dance floor. You increase the stroking with your foot. About this time you notice that the guy diagonally across the table, next to the really handsome bastard, thats me, is looking at you with a big shit eating grin. You become dismayed and reactively look under the table.


and you see the toes in the pic above playing toesy twister with your sheer black stockinged foot. you scream and run desperately form the banquet room stopping only to vomit on some waiter.


Later the really handsome bastard scores with the slutty brunette on the floor who also gives a mean foot massage.

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