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...would make such a big deal out of the true identity of deep throat. To me it's a non-story and I can't help but think it was all carefully orchestrated to draw attention to some reporters who are facing jail time for not revealing their sources.

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The belated Nixon-circle outrage is beginning already. Pat Buchanan is particularly up in arms, but when isn't he? Here's my favorite (Link):


G. Gordon Liddy, a Nixon operative who engineered the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Campaign headquarters in the Watergate building in Washington, and served four and a half years in jail for it, said Wednesday that Felt "violated the ethics of the law enforcement profession."


Oh the irony. yellaf.gif

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Personally, I think its the daughter trying to cash in...


what tipped you off? Was it where she was quoted in the paper as saying she hoped to make some money off of the 'revelation' to pay off her kids' college debts?

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...would make such a big deal out of the true identity of deep throat. To me it's a non-story and I can't help but think it was all carefully orchestrated to draw attention to some reporters who are facing jail time for not revealing their sources.


Michael Jackson is a non-story. Celebrity marriages are a non-story.


Deep Throat, however, is an American hero. This guy was instrumental in blowing the doors off one of the biggest known instances of government corruption ever, which led to the toppling of an entire administration. Learning the true identity of such a person hardly seems inconsequential.

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...There must be someone there with a conscience frown.gif

I think GWB fired all those guys already.


Questions RE: Deep Throat


Why was he called "deep throat"?

Why, according to him, did he not come out earlier?

Was he afraid of reprisals from some Nixon goons? If so, why isn't he afraid now?

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Deep Throat, however, is an American hero.


Anti-hero is probably more like it. Did he talk to and direct Woodward & Bernstein("Follow the money!") because of duty to country or because he knew Nixon and Co. were aggressively stamping out the FBI's Hoover era autonomy?


Cut and pasted from today's Post: "He chased down lawbreakers of all kinds, using whatever means were available to the bureau, and was convicted in 1980 of authorizing illegal break-ins -- black-bag jobs, as they were known -- of friends of members of the Weather Underground. He was later pardoned by President Ronald Reagan."

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