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Maybe Bush is right...


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Maybe we do need better, more streamlined oversight of government programs, so we can eliminate crap programs that don't perform and simply waste money.


Or is that not what the Republicons had in mind? Something to think about next time you right-wing pukes go on some bullshit rant about spending on social services and the like.



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I liked their solution to Medicare. Medicare is a huge money sink simply because of the enormous amounts of organized fraud perpetrated against it. The Medicare office says they simply don't have the means to go after those responsible. So, rather than spend a little more money to beef up fraud investigations and thereby potentially save billions, their solution is to simply cut benefits which is, of course much easier. Of course, the fraud still exists, but aunt Milly won't be getting her meds any time soon.

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The major fraud now is more specifically, powered wheelchairs.


It requires certain documentation and conditions to get these things. However, some of the distributors of these chairs have their own doctors that will pretty much put whatever it takes on the documentation to get people these things whether they can walk without it or not.

Each chair runs about $12,000.


Nowone knows how many doctors do this for their patients, or simular things for other healthcare items and prescription drugs.


Medicare gets millions and millions of claims per day.

Do YOU have a solution to stop the fraud from leaking through this? You would have to hire almost every able American to review these claims, make phone calls, talk to the providers....


They are investigating, but there is just too much abuse.


The option will eventually be cutting these services. Until they can legally do that, or are forced to, they have no option but to cut spending. If retired or disabled folks want better Medicare coverage, they should stop abusing the system.

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I liked their solution to Medicare. Medicare is a huge money sink simply because of the enormous amounts of organized fraud perpetrated against it. The Medicare office says they simply don't have the means to go after those responsible. So, rather than spend a little more money to beef up fraud investigations and thereby potentially save billions, their solution is to simply cut benefits which is, of course much easier. Of course, the fraud still exists, but aunt Milly won't be getting her meds any time soon.


if it makes you feel any better - the liberal bogey-man "big corporations" get rich off of these claims abuses too (drug companies, insurance companies, medical conglomerates).

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The major fraud now is more specifically, powered wheelchairs.


It requires certain documentation and conditions to get these things. However, some of the distributors of these chairs have their own doctors that will pretty much put whatever it takes on the documentation to get people these things whether they can walk without it or not.

Each chair runs about $12,000.


Nowone knows how many doctors do this for their patients, or simular things for other healthcare items and prescription drugs.


Medicare gets millions and millions of claims per day.

Do YOU have a solution to stop the fraud from leaking through this? You would have to hire almost every able American to review these claims, make phone calls, talk to the providers....


They are investigating, but there is just too much abuse.


The option will eventually be cutting these services. Until they can legally do that, or are forced to, they have no option but to cut spending. If retired or disabled folks want better Medicare coverage, they should stop abusing the system.




Come on, come on. This "war on terror," which apparently works better to incite terrorism than to prevent it, probably vaporizes more money in the time it takes DFA to write this post than Medicare shells out for motorized wheelchairs all year. This is the same bullshit logic that people drag out to complain about "overpaid" educators and their outlandish need for health insurance. The government could probably fund the entire educational system to the highest standards just by cutting funding to one black budget military contract, or by actually allowing congressional oversight & control of all military spending, but no one complains about that, because fear and scare tactics have you thinking "it's for our safety." thumbs_down.gif

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if it makes you feel any better - the liberal bogey-man "big corporations" get rich off of these claims abuses too (drug companies, insurance companies, medical conglomerates).


it doesn't make me feel any better, just convinces me that the Republicans are as as morally bankrupt as the Democrats are pathetic.

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I'll tell you what would save a lot of money- Peace. If we stopped sticking our noses in everyone else's business, it would save a ton of money. But as long as individuals can get rich through the actions of governments, it won't happen.


Careful, there. Peace is unpatriotic, don'tchaknow? Please report to the nearest Hummer dealership for reprogramming and free American flag stickers.

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The major fraud now is more specifically, powered wheelchairs.


It requires certain documentation and conditions to get these things. However, some of the distributors of these chairs have their own doctors that will pretty much put whatever it takes on the documentation to get people these things whether they can walk without it or not.

Each chair runs about $12,000.


Nowone knows how many doctors do this for their patients, or simular things for other healthcare items and prescription drugs.


Medicare gets millions and millions of claims per day.

Do YOU have a solution to stop the fraud from leaking through this? You would have to hire almost every able American to review these claims, make phone calls, talk to the providers....


They are investigating, but there is just too much abuse.


The option will eventually be cutting these services. Until they can legally do that, or are forced to, they have no option but to cut spending. If retired or disabled folks want better Medicare coverage, they should stop abusing the system.




Come on, come on. This "war on terror," which apparently works better to incite terrorism than to prevent it, probably vaporizes more money in the time it takes DFA to write this post than Medicare shells out for motorized wheelchairs all year. This is the same bullshit logic that people drag out to complain about "overpaid" educators and their outlandish need for health insurance. The government could probably fund the entire educational system to the highest standards just by cutting funding to one black budget military contract, or by actually allowing congressional oversight & control of all military spending, but no one complains about that, because fear and scare tactics have you thinking "it's for our safety." thumbs_down.gif


Whatever. I know first hand. I used work with this stuff every day. I PERSONALLY reviewed claims of this matter and studied the impacts. Old people are buying these things like crazy and getting their doctors to sign off on them.

There is not enough money to investigate all of these cases. It would simply be an astonomical investigation.

Not to mention the other equipment and health care services billed fraudualently.

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Whatever. I know first hand. I used work with this stuff every day. I PERSONALLY reviewed claims of this matter and studied the impacts. Old people are buying these things like crazy and getting their doctors to sign off on them.

There is not enough money to investigate all of these cases. It would simply be an astonomical investigation.

Not to mention the other equipment and health care services billed fraudualently.


Look, obviously any kind of fraud is undesirable. DFA's point, though, was that this is a relative drip compared to the 24/7 firehose that is the military/industrial complex. Not to mention, how many old people do you see out scooting around on their overpriced and ill-begotten eldercarts?

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Perhaps we could solve the energy crisis by making biodiesel out of the liposuctionings of America's legions of obese citizens.


Agreed. I'll start by donating 15 pounds.


Want to add. Many cases are investgated, but they have to pick and choose. They choose ones that will have the most impact and hopefully persuade some not to do it.

One thing to remember is things like this take time.

It takes at least a couple of years before things start turning around. but, believe me, the people at Medicare are just as concerned as you are. They talk about this stuff all the time.

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See, now that's what DFA is talking about. Simple, classic humor with a stylish twist of sleek, modern minimalism, and a subtle texture of the forbidden, which all adds up to the ha-ha hit of the season!


This is why Cobra Commander holds the post of Majordomo of the AmazingCo, Inc. Amusements Bureau. The rest of you could learn something by paying attention for once.


Good show! thumbs_up.gif

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