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you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. people like chomsky (libertarian anarchists) were executed in 1917 (during the revolution). they were mortal enemies of lenin and later the stalinists. i am not making any apologies for anything and least of all for your ignorance.

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hey nibblenuts. i think if someone officialy (in writing) endorses the system it makes him a stalinist. or leninist or a communist. goebels didn't shoot anyone in person.

there are coutless quotes from cock sucking chomsky, endorsing what was going on in soviets after 1917.



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you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. people like chomsky (libertarian anarchists) were executed in 1917 (during the revolution). they were mortal enemies of lenin and later the stalinists.


Exactly - they were mortal enemies. The bigger, more vicious dog tore the other to shreds.

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you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. people like chomsky (libertarian anarchists) were executed in 1917 (during the revolution). they were mortal enemies of lenin and later the stalinists. i am not making any apologies for anything and least of all for your ignorance.


...the re-write continues. rolleyes.gif

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yes, KK, there are idiots in every country. more so from some that endorsed communism than from others that embraced freedom early on. the_finger.gif


Au contraire. People who live in a free country like America and make apologies for a system of government that enslaved hundreds of millions for decades and killed as many as 100 million - those are the greater idiots. I ty pokazal sebya odnym iz nikh. Pozdravlyayu, tovarish!

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actually, i think the greater idiots are those that still live in the former soviet union and still think stalin was a great guy. but i guess you don't like to talk about those.


they're one step above komunyaky-zhopolizy v Amerike. and I can talk about them all you want - they're a bunch of fuckheads too.

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i forgive you for not being able to properly insult me in english, but you could at least do it properly in russian. russians are much better at insults than we will ever hope to be and yet you sound like a drunken coal miner. the_finger.gif

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i forgive you for not being able to properly insult me in english, but you could at least do it properly in russian. russians are much better at insults than we will ever hope to be and yet you sound like a drunken coal miner. the_finger.gif


nekhaj rosijs'ko-movni na forumi sudyat', a ne malohramotnyj amerykans'kij duren', shcho navchyvsya pary sliv po-rosijs'ki.


i shakhtar chesnyj fakh the_finger.gif

Edited by KaskadskyjKozak
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re-writing history is to pretend that the siberian gulag didn't exist before the soviets or that tsarist russia was a benign society were violence and political murder weren't common happenstance. it isn't an apology for what happened later but it certainly puts it in context.

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i guess i can't really expect good russian insults when you aren't even using proper russian, but ukrainian.

Predpolagau chto tvoio libimoe zanitie v svobodnoe vremia libo zabivat kozla, abo zalivati oko gorilkou, hotia ti navernoe i to i drugoe delaesh odnovremenno. yelrotflmao.gif


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i guess i can't really expect good russian insults when you aren't even using proper russian, but ukrainian.


spravzhni ukrayinci viddayut' perevahu pysaty solov'yinoyu ukrayins'koyu, navit' koly znevazhayut' srakolizov yak i ty.


ta os' i stara ukrayins'ka znevaha dlya tebe: shlyakh trafyt' moon.gif


ot i vse

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re-writing history is to pretend that the siberian gulag didn't exist before the soviets or that tsarist russia was a benign society were violence and political murder weren't common happenstance. it isn't an apology for what happened later but it certainly puts it in context.

so what's your point? first of all the policy and politics were not as expansionist as during soviet era. just look at the friggin map and compare. second- nobody was pretending that it was a democracy. it's like trying to compare british empire of the 19th century and modern england. times have changed. and for some odd reason russia was exporting food before the revolution. like i said- apples and orages. and i don't see monuments of any tzar on city streets.

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mom help you with that did she? really, it's like trading insults with someone handicapped with the comedic wit of a homophobic 12-year old skate boarder and the vocabulary of one who consorts too often with randy goats. put down the Batman comics for awhile and go get that Ritalin prescription refilled son.

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so what's your point?


that stalinism didn't invent totalitarianism even though it certainly took oppression to a scale rarely seen in history before. that whoever rebeled against the tsar wasn't necessarily a bloody murderer in waiting and, in fact, many who rebeled fell victim to the bloody murderers who eventually took power. that maintaining historical pespective isn't making the apology of wanton oppression and murder. etc ...


first of all the policy and politics were not as expansionist as during soviet era. just look at the friggin map and compare.


talk to the crimeans and the chechens and ...


second- nobody was pretending that it was a democracy.


no, some of you only pretented stalinists invented the concept of killing millions of people by putting them behind fences and denying them food (read a little colonial history that'll help)


it's like trying to compare british empire of the 19th century and modern england. times have changed.


rigth, salazar's portugal or franco's spain or colonial algeria or vietnam or bloody dictators throughout the developping world (philipines, guatemala, nicaragua, etc ...) are such ancient history. perhaps you should go live the peasant life in say columbia and tell us how it compares with your experience behind the iron curtain.


and for some odd reason russia was exporting food before the revolution.


starvation was widespread in tsarist russia and it only got worse with WW1 (which caused the revolution). it's a little like saying that since X export shrimp raised in pens, starvation doesn't exist in X.


apples and orages. and i don't see monuments of any tzar on city streets.


personally, i don't really care about a statue that is widely seen (justly or not) as a cultural relic of the cold war and nothing more. as foraker says at least it's a testimony to the past and as such a good teaching tool.


and i am still waiting for that source regarding chomsky.

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mom help you with that did she? really, it's like trading insults with someone handicapped with the comedic wit of a homophobic 12-year old skate boarder and the vocabulary of one who consorts too often with randy goats. put down the Batman comics for awhile and go get that Ritalin prescription refilled son.


Kakaya ironiya, chto malogramotnyj amerikanskij durak kritikuye moye upotrebleniye russkogo mata, sam nichego ne pokazyvaya krome pary slov. A nachet ego "logiki" da argumentov po anglijskij - nichego luchshe ne vizhu, na zhal'. Pateticheskij ty Foraker. Zhal'ko mne, chto mozhesh' tak byt'. the_finger.gif

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Talk to the Tatars about what Stalin did to them and compare.


look who, in fact, is the moral relativist and the apologist ...


Not quite. I said to ask them. I love how liberals want to posture as defenders of the sufferings of minorities they know nothing about. Ask any Crimean Tatar about what Stalin did to them, and then what the Czars did. See which matters more to *them*, rather than to your dishonest rhetorical arguments whose sole purpose is to obfuscate and diminish communist atrocities. the_finger.gif

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