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ID eVent Tents no Longer Available


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There are 50 states in the US, 13 provinces/territorys in Canada.


Actually, US have 52 the two just not declared yet Hawaii and Porto Rico but they are treated as states. also you might consider DC as a state although officially they call it a district (so the capital will not reside in any state for the fear of prejudice treatment toward other states.)


True about 13 providences (for the legislator intentions) however, “The vast majority (92%) lived in only four provinces in 2001: Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec and Alberta.”

With Saskatchewan 980,985 and Nova Scotia 936,960 being the others where they have enough population to consider as a “related to the issue” consumers

ID stopped selling eVent because the manufacturer of eVent doesn't want to deal with the product liability.


Humm... where did you get this information, you sure it wasn’t the other way around? Maybe eVent didn’t want to deal with ID if they not take liability for ID product. Maybe they told them we sell you the fabric and from that point on you responsible to it, is as it is not flame treated


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Actually, US have 52 the two just not declared yet Hawaii and Porto Rico but they are treated as one. also you might consider DC as a state although officially they call it a district (so the capital will not reside in any state for the fear of prejudice treatment toward other states.)

Hawaii's the 50th state, Puerto Rico is a territory, DC is a Federal District (taxation without representation!)

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