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visited colchuck lake area lately?


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was up to colchuck a coupe of weeks ago and found deep, dry, unconsolidated snow w/ no trail broken in - anyone know if that's changed lately? i assume the recent warmth hasn't opened up the trailhead road? anyone been in the vicinity lately and have any info to share?

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was up there yesterday. after a little digging into the berm, the road was driveable for about .5 miles in a Subaru, with a truck and chains i bet you could get a bit more. there is a broken trail, we hiked in without snowshoes as there were 5 people ahead of us. skiing is not the way to go in there at the moment. I'll post pics when i get some time, but let's say that all of us went home empty handed.



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The scoop is nothing looked very 'in'. A lot of exposed rock, very little snow/ice. We had a go at NBC on Colchuck and it did not go for us (we were ropeless). A roped party also turned around at a rock band.


I am sure that if you wanted to do some snowy rock climbing there would be plenty to do.

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We hiked up with Dan and Kurt and attempted the NE couloir, snow in the lower couloir was good, but after getting a few hundred feet up, everything above us started sloughing, followed by a small, but still scary avalanche. The couloir itself was well consolidated, and felt very stable. The upper slopes had likely been windloaded the previous night. Luckily the lower couloir did not cut loose when the upper let loose. Anyhow, too much excitement for us and we turned around and headed back to the car.

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