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Hey Fairweather


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Why do you sling so much shit about people here on Ascensionist? You're not banned here, you can discuss here. I also like how you talk about preaching to the choir. You sound like a little bitch.


P.S. I am a little bitch, so this is not an invitation for you to fight me. I'm just wondering what your deal is.

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Wow, I think they love me.


In perspective, I've gotta give props to KK for taking my shit and slinging it back. It's great that this forum gives us the opportunity to have that dialogue (childish insults and all).

I think it's unfortunate that the rest of the crew felt compelled to retreat to the internet equivalent of detention hall.


FWIW, my spelling is impeccable, bitch.

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well we certainly wouldn't want to have a discussion on the topic of the iraq war, the value of symbols, what constitutes patriotism, etc. there's only one right way to think over on ASS.com. an exchange of ideas really is counter to having a dogma.


speaking of symbols, i certainly would love to how many knots their collective nickers would get into over flag burning. now that has some potential for entertainment value.

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Fairweather, I'm not sure what happened to you. You actually used to be able to have a meaningful dialogue with those that don't hold your point of view. While I didn't agree with many of your ideas, it was interesting to have you post them on cc.com. From what I know of your particular point of view, it seems to be a popular one (if not on this website, a popular one in this country...look who is president). I took a look this morning at this "other website", and it seems you have lost your debating skills. You were dismembered right in front of everyone by Alpinfox and Sexual_Chocolate. You've got to be embarrassed.


Anyway, if you think you can pull it together, I would like to invite you back to this board. True, I am a "nobody" on this site, and I certianly don't have anything to do with how it is administered. But it is useful to have both sides to a debate, if they are coherent. Your skills have gone soft over there. wave.gif

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