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I've left all the ice and snow in Colorado...


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I just spent 7 weeks in Colorado with only 3 days that I didn't ski, ice climb, or rock climb (yeah escalante). It sucks to be back in Portland and I'm looking for people who want to get out. I've heard the ice/snow situation is non-existant, but there are still rocks and rivers. Also let me know if you know of any ice that is in or any alpine routes, ect.


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Yup, it's a bummer. Closest thing is Illumination rock which has a few 4p mixed rock/ice route (around Wi3/4 5.7-5.9). and you can take the chair lift $8 for a nice early 9am start.


Also hood has a mess o routes like Yoccum, N.F., ect. Basically you're gonna get MIGHTY sick of Mt Hood. My advice is to drive north on a marthon w/end...just don't start figuring out how much each pitch of ice costs ya$$! This way you can add to global warming also.

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I have trips to Lee Vining Canyon on Feb 18-21st, again on feb 25th thru 27th. Also Feb 8th trips (5 Days) to Vermont and New hampshire . Again To NH in the first week of march. And one final trip in mid march to Lee Vining Canyon.


The more the merrier and Cheaper - Send your e addy for details and pics. John

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...colorado poseur...


Three days of lounging in seven weeks of skiing, ice climbing, and rock climbing and you're calling her a poseur?




I think Bob's flirting.


If he meets her, he'll probably throw rocks at her and then pull her hair.

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