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My god those seaturkeys suck. wazzup.gif I thought they were suppose to do ok this year. The game yesterday has to be the worst football game I've ever gone to see.


The new stadium is nice, and the Seagals are still hot! The only other good thing I can think of is the seats we had were great, and I didn't have to pay for em. fruit.gif


I've never been to a game where everyone was booing the home team so much.


PS Dave Shultz, I know you're going to want to make some stupid comment...we already know you hate football so put a sock in it.

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Hey Alpine, yesterday I made my first trip to the new stadium. Yeah, it sucks getting punched out by a mediocre team like the Bills, yet the Hawks have played other games especially well (2nd half of the Patriots game, for example). I blame the coaching, when they have enough talent to play well in really big games but then fall apart at home against a 2nd-rate team. Too many mistakes that continue to appear (dropped balls), too many emotional swings. How about the Bill's kicker recovering his own kick to start the 2nd half? The Hawks weren't flat, they were sleeping. And the defensive play calling was far too conservative, with very little pressure on Bledsoe until when they finally rushed five they got beat with the screen.


But they're still in 1st place, right?

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I thought the defence made some good plays, but I don't think the offence got a first down till the 2nd or 3rd quarter. I haven't been paying much attention to football this year, so I've missed some of their good games, but I don't hold out much hope for a team that didn't even show up.


That theatrical bullshit at the beginning of the game with players running out of dry ice fog and all the fireworks was pretty funny. The offence should have used those fireworks against the Bills...it might have helped.

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