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Mr. Kerry: Reporting For Duty!


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Quote 1

.....A member of the Harvard Law School admissions committee recalled that the real reason Mr. Kerry was not admitted was because the committee was concerned that because Mr. Kerry had received a less than honorable discharge they were not sure he could be admitted to any state bar.



Quote 2

All officials with knowledge of what specifically happened in Mr. Kerry's case are muzzled by the Privacy Act of 1974.The act makes it a crime for federal employees to knowingly disclose personal information or records.


Only Mr. Kerry can do that. As of this writing, Mr. Kerry has failed to sign a Standard Form 180 giving the electorate and the press access to his Navy files.


Quote 3

In the Foreign Surveillance Act of 1977, legislation introduced by Mr. Kennedy to enforce the findings of the Church Committee, there is language that literally describes the behavior of Mr. Kerry. The defined behavior that could no longer be subject to surveillance without warrants includes: "Americans having contact with foreign powers in the case of Americans who were active in the protest against U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Some of them may have attended international conferences at which there were representatives of foreign powers, as defined in the bill, or may have been directly in communication with foreign governments concerning this issue."


Gotta love that Teddy!

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C'mon PP, you know that we've never had a president as secretive and devoted to withholding information as the current appointee. Just try finding much information about GW's insider trading action, he makes Martha Stewart look like a saint, but Bush locked up all that information by presidential fiat, along with all of the records regarding daddy's Iran-Contra shenannigans. Bush is a lying thieving sack of shit, and Kerry, by any objective comparison, would be a splendid improvement. But, since you don't live in Florida or Ohio, your vote doesn't much matter this time around anyway.

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"There should have been an honorable discharge certificate issued to Kerry in 1975,if not earlier, three years after his transfer to the Standby Reserve-Inactive"


assuming for a minute there is anything worthwhile about that story, it should not be ignored that a) kerry is a war hero by most accounts and it is difficult to imagine how a war hero wouldn't get an honorable discharge and b) kerry was a favorite target of the nixon administration for having been a leader of antiwar vets. nixon seems to have made it a personal issue: "the Nixon White House kept after John Kerry. It’s said that when Kerry ran for Congress in 1972, Nixon stayed up late on election night until he knew for sure that Kerry had been defeated." http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4534274/


One could thus imagine several scenarios according to which a war hero did not receive his discharge papers until later when a more friendly administration to kerry was in the whitehouse. it's of course all speculations, including the original article.

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