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Jul 27, 2002 by spray'teryx

Dragontail Peak,Colchuck Lake #1599.1 - The Alpine Lakes

Dragontail Peak via Colchuck Lake and Aasgard Pass


Since my failed attempt to be a hardman in the Enchantments last October, I have been drawn to Dragontail Peak. There is an incredible image of it in my family room that was taken by Ray Borbon (A so-so mountain photographer and great weed smoker). With the extension of the road closure till Aug 1, and ferocious snafflehounds breeeding daily, I grabbed my friend "John" (that's what the ladies call him anyways) and we headed out to Leavenworth on Friday night. We planned to TR a 5.4 but it was too hard. Slept in a motel cause we were scared of cougars. We left the Stuart Lake TH at 4am and made it to Colchuck Lake by 1030 PM, smoking all the way up. We only got lost a few times. The next morning, we ate handfls of mushrooms, then traversed around the lake and ate food and rested for half an hour at the base of Aasgard Pass (the only way to the Enchantments that I know of, except for Snow Lakes and Ingalls Creek and , um , whatever...). We started the ascent in boiling hot weather, thunderstorms and heavy packs -we had planned to do Girth Pillar as well (2 pitches 5.6) so we were carrying 3 nuts and a sling each - but after about 300 vertical feet we were dying of pain, exhaustion, hunger, terror and snafflehound attacks, and knew that time would not be on our side to do both. so we bivied and opted to only do Dragontail the next day. Waking up at 6AM for an alpineK sitstart, we left our rock gear, boom boxes, Fleshlights, beer, and cougar repellant behind and with lighter packs we made it to the top of Aasgard Pass by 1:30pm. The view was incredible as always - we could see all the way to Muir Hut- and we started up towards the Snow Creek Glacier and rested at the base to eat more and rest. We spoke to a party that had just ascended the Chestbeater Gapewad Arete (5.13d) and bid them a good trip down the pass. They told us "Fuck off, wankers" and we were honored that they spoke to us. We started our ascent of the glacier, roped up for safety and placing scrwews and pickets every 5m, and traversed back and forth in the soft styrafoam snow that had a scary ice layer underneath and made it to the col in 4 hours, 30 minutes, more or less, due to difficult routefinding - we had to constantly use our GPS. Once there I was looking for the class 2-3 scramble that I have always heard about, but it's an unusually well traveled 5.9 that was 10 times longer than Aasgard Pass, and much easier due to the absence of der Snaffelhunden. The summit was awesome, and views were 360 degrees plus or minus 20. It was 4pm and after smoking a few bowls we decided to turn around and head for the car. I can't say anything more than I suffered abysmally on the way down - the tortures of Prometheus were as nothing to mine - , after doing Muir on Saturday I felt the eternal pain and agony of a lost soul - but was happy to have been perched on the summit of Dragontail (3 days, 11 hours car to car):::


Next Route: North Norweejum Buttress on DA Toof [big Grin]


Warning flags: Blow-down, Clogged drainage, Trail wash-out, Water on trail, Trail over-grown, Snow on trail, Bugs!


[ 08-29-2002, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: Dru ]

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At the risk of betraying myself as someone who just doesn’t get the joke, I don’t see why you're busting his chops. The WTA site is for hiker types, not climbers, and his trip report reads as though it was addressing that audience. There’s no chest-banging that I detected.


I guess if you want to flip someone shit for not smoking pot in the Muir Hut, or worrying about cougars, or for not climbing stuff as difficult as you do, but still, unaccountably, enjoying himself and wanting to share his experiences, well, I guess that’s part of what this website is for.


As regards those "warning flags", when you submit a trip report on the WTA page, there are a bunch of buttons you can click on if they apply to your experience, including bugs, snow on trail, and water on trail.

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Originally posted by Alpine Tom:

At the risk of betraying myself as someone who just doesn’t get the joke, I don’t see why you're busting his chops. The WTA site is for hiker types, not climbers, and his trip report reads as though it was addressing that audience. There’s no chest-banging that I detected.


I guess if you want to flip someone shit for not smoking pot in the Muir Hut, or worrying about cougars, or for not climbing stuff as difficult as you do, but still, unaccountably, enjoying himself and wanting to share his experiences, well, I guess that’s part of what this website is for.


As regards those "warning flags", when you submit a trip report on the WTA page, there are a bunch of buttons you can click on if they apply to your experience, including bugs, snow on trail, and water on trail.

I aint busting scottys chops just playing with his article to make it better and more relevant. There's something endearing about someone who posts a TR for every thing they every did eh?


I like that "Warning-Clogged Drainage" sounds like someone forgot to pull the cork out...


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Tom -

I agree that it is pretty sad that some of these guys can't think up a new joke and they repeatedly slam Dan Larson and Scot'teryx or think all you have to do is write "horsecock" and you've been clever. But hey, I laughed at Dru's parody too. And I bet maybe even Scott could see the humor there.

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Here is a non chest beater version of the same TR just for Alpine Tomato.


Jul 27, 2002 by scot'teryx

Dragontail Peak,Colchuck Lake #1599.1 - The Alpine Lakes

Dragontail Peak via Colchuck Lake and Aasgard Pass


Wanted to climb Dragontail Peak for a while. Have an inspiring picture taken RF Bolton (A great mountain photographer)on my wall. With the extension of the road closure till Aug 1, I grabbed my friend John and we headed out to Leavenworth on Friday night. We left the Stuart Lake TH at 9am and made it to Colchuck Lake by 1030. We traversed around the lake and ate food and rested for half an hour at the base of Aasgard Pass. We had planned to do Witches Tower as well (2 pitches 5.6) but after about 300 vertical feet of slogging we opted to only do Dragontail because we were too slow for both. We left our rock gear behind and with lighter packs we made it to the top of Aasgard Pass by 130pm. The view was incredible as always, and we started up towards the Snow Creek Glacier and rested at the base to eat more and rest. Saw a climbing party come down after an ascent of Serpentine. We went up the glacier (good cramponing) and made it to the col in 30 minutes. Sctrambled up class 2 trail to summit. The summit was awesome, and views were 360 degrees. It was 4pm and we decided to turn around and head for the car. I was stil ltired from an earlier hike and suffered a bit going out. 11 hrs car to car.


Warning flags: Bugs and rough wet trail, Tool in Parking Lot [big Grin] .

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Originally posted by mattp:

Tom -

I agree that it is pretty sad that some of these guys can't think up a new joke and they repeatedly slam Dan Larson and Scot'teryx or think all you have to do is write "horsecock" and you've been clever. But hey, I laughed at Dru's parody too. And I bet maybe even Scott could see the humor there.


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