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So, what objectives have you thought were gonna be good climbs (esp. first ascents) and turned out sucky?

Mine are all posted online alread 'cept for one that starts with a "T", but I need Jordop's permission to say it. 2nd letter is an "a".

Angry Nipple Discharge, Brambles Buttress Sky,Carlos Rossi Memorial Tower,Holliway,Needles,NF Central Rib Triumph,W.Face Cuthroat...pretty much everything besides Action Potential and Back of Beyond Buttress.


So come on, spill the beans. What sucks? What should we not waste our time on that you failed to climb?


I know a Dberdinka/Necro route that would fit this bill. and of cousre all of Dru's crap on that slag heap that starts with an "A"

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NF rib of Triumph was sucky? That wouldn't have been an FA anyway. That thing looks SCHWEEET! I will say that I thought NE ridge of Triumph was going to be a lot better climbing than it was. Oh well. Good views anyway.


I tried to do a second ascent of one of Off_White's routes on Silver Star with BobbyPeru and it was sucky. My only FAs have been sport routes and one ice route...

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you sure you were on off white's route. did you see his bolts. why did it suck? explain.


We were pretty sure we were at the base of his route and all we saw was a ramp of granola and an uninspiring looking face. We never saw any bolts. Our motivation was further sapped by the heat and hordes of mosquitos at the base of the route. We hiked down and went swimming in Mazama instead of climbing that day.


Another route that sucked was the N. Ridge of Baker. It didn't really suck, it was just a LOT shorter than I thought it was gonna be. One and a half pitches of ice and we were at the top. Guess I should have read the route description more carefully. yellaf.gif

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NE Face of Fortress was pretty much a dud. Looked good in a fuzzy picture. A little 5.7 past the moat, few pitches of moderate rock, then a long slowly steepening snow slope that dumped out on a ridge quite aways from the summit. Not bad, but hardly the shit. Other lines to the right looked like choss. All the same, the moraine offered world class trundling onto the glacier below, we got a good sofa sized boulder rolling.


Not an FA, but N Face on Booker was less than we'd hoped. A section of steep vertically stacked loose pie plates inspired us to bail.


Alpinfox, I think you guys were in the wrong spot, probably due to bad and fuzzy beta on my part, I think you needed to be higher and to the left. Only granola on the route was incidental, a ledge about 7 pitches up.

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