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Apron parking break-in: lost Borea, guitar, etc.


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What a downer after a great 3-day trip...


Squamish, Tuesday morning (Sep. 7). My car was broken into in the Apron parking lot. Out of it were stolen a Dell laptop computer (property of University of Washington College of Forest Resources, labeled as such), a guitar (Cort Earth 500), an Arc'Teryx Borea pack containing a blue MEC warmwear top and an old (resoled) pair of Scarpa Minima slippers, and a 6-pack of beer.


I don't really expect to see any of the stuff again, but if anyone approaches you trying to sell any of this stuff, bean them hard with a #5 camalot... then pm me.


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Did you file a police report?


I know, you say, "WHY BOTHER"? But, I had a bunch of shit stolen from the Apron lot and the crooks kept the obviously valuable stuff (my girlfriend-at-the-time's credit cards, cash, etc) but threw the backpacks and climbing gear on the side of the road somewhere. Three days after getting back to Seattle, I got a call from the RCMP. "We found your stuff, give us your address and we'll pay for the postage to mail it to you" hellno3d.gifthumbs_up.gifrockband.gifthumbs_up.gif

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The guitar was visible (it's pretty hard to hide), dunno about the laptop. We talked with the campground host for a while about the thefts. Apparently someone had their car broken into at the campground parking lot (beyond the gate) during the day, too. And some people have had their tents searched for valuables.


The host said that it's local meth-heads who do the thieving. The Mounties caught one pair of guys a while back, but as soon as they got out of jail (a few days), they started stealing again. A short jail stay is apparently not working as a deterrent. We talked to a cop who happened to be patrolling the campground and his attitude could be summed up as "not my job."


I've heard there's a campground near Squamish that has someone watching over it all day. Anyone know if this is the case, and if so, where is it? I'd certainly pay an extra buck or two per day at the climber's campground if it would pay for a full-time attendant/guard.


Otherwise, how about hiring some local loggers to hide in the bushes with 2x4s?

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Sorry to hear about this - we seem to have had a really quiet summer for B&Es this year, until the long weekend. In the future, don't hesitate to stop by the store and if we have room we'll gladly stash your surplus gear in the back room - especially the real valuables that are hard to replace. On the day these break-ins happened, we were babysitting three windsurfers and a violin while their owners hiked the Chief before heading home after their holiday. It's too late this time, but in the future remember that it's an option.

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