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"...the pungent aroma of urine wafted about the chalk and dried urine stained rock in front of me. I was determined to make upward progress, so I gritted my teeth and scouted about for some rugosities. Upon finding suitable purchase, I began to move quickly upward through the stench..."

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"...the pungent aroma of urine wafted about the chalk and dried urine stained rock in front of me. I was determined to make upward progress, so I gritted my teeth and scouted about for some rugosities. Upon finding suitable purchase, I began to move quickly upward through the stench..."


Spire Rock diary?

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"...the pungent aroma of urine wafted about the chalk and dried urine stained rock in front of me. I was determined to make upward progress, so I gritted my teeth and scouted about for some rugosities. Upon finding suitable purchase, I began to move quickly upward through the stench..."


Spire Rock diary?


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clean em up, holds get so cacked and nasty if they aren't brushed


Agreed, the best way to keep a route brushed would be for climbers to brush on descent. I imagine this is only really a concern for very difficult sport routes, where chalk is used religiously and you simply can't send without having a clean route.


Oh and bouldering I guess.

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...too much work, if your clipping bolts, you deserve to have to suffer through "others" old chalk. Really thats the only sporting option aside from "pre-chalking grades". 5.13c PC4. Scrubbing actual routes seems silly and superflous. Boulder problems I can definitely see, but routes? Cmon, just be an , <insert gender> and use less chalk. [disgust emoticon]disg.gif[/disgust emoticon]

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one of the routes we were working on yesterday has a slabby 12- crux. with the humidity so high yesterday you really had to brush the holds if you wanted to pull on them.


5.12- and you can't pull. you are weak. if it was 14d maybe but fat punters can climb 12-. boxing_smiley.gifwink.gif

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chirp, you are a certified wanker- punter. you are so full of shit your eyes turn brown from turd overload. and if you don't brush off holds you deserve to suffer a big dildo up your ass

I typically avoid "high maintenence" crags, typically the ones that attract the insolent "masses" such as yourself.

I always hated the Gallery for that very reason.


On a realistic note, yeah it makes perfect sense in a busy and popular area to be as courteous as possible in cleaning up after yourself. I think the issue goes beyond routes but is indicative of everyones social responsibility regarding a shared resource.

yellaf.gifthe_finger.gif... bigdrink.gif

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reasons 2 brush:

1.keeps it nice for the next person (popular crag or not)

2.keeps the visual impact down (chalk stains running down from holds after the rain)

3 gives you something to do on your way down

4.chicks dig guys with brushes


same people who don't brush at the crags leave unfushed turd in your toilet and piss in your shower. they usually live in a trailer park, drive elcamino still wear mullets, watch jerry springer.... same mentalty at least... carry on redneck trash...

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