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F9/11 more impact than Nader


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i'm interested in how my friends are doing....

there was a time limit....

my own abilities are just fine for the level of climbing I do, thanks for asking

I remember last year how you said you could climb 5.13 if you wanted to. That's why the money was offered up, to help your motivation level. Guess even with the $$$ offer it's still out of reach for you huh? Oh well ya know what they say - this applies to Mikley Layton too - don't let your mouth make promises your ass can't deliver!


Wrong on all counts.


1) Friend? Friends don't treat me that way.


2) No, there wasn't a time limit nor would money motivate me.


3) My original point was, that if you change the rules enough, if you dumb-down the climb enough, if you allow unlimited rehearsal while you hang on gear [typically closely-spaced bolts], then THEORETICALLY anyone with the time and ambition could climb a 5.13 route. Just like playing a Beethoven sonata. You might not know how to play the piano now, but given enough rehearsal, eventually you'll do it. With some of the old-school rules, hang-dogging a climb into submission meant you weren't ready to climb it.


4) After a barrage of personal insults, I admitted that I felt such was within my ability. I have no doubts that I can hangdog and rehearse my way into completing a 5.13 as I believe most anybody on this board probably could. It might take months of rehearsal, but I'm sure it could be done. (It would probably take me a long time.) I was then goaded by a bunch of the overgrown bully teenagers to "deliver the goods", complete with "I'll add $10 to the pot, etc."...the whole point being lost to them. My ultimate response was that should I be interested in such a challenge, I would do it on my own time and I'd let them know when it happened. Frankly, I'm not interested right now although maybe sometime if I'm bored and have nothing better to do, I'll give it a try. And it certainly wouldn't be with the sole intention of saying "I told you so" to some of the mocking children on this site. I'd have to be more motivated than that.


5) I found it especially outrageous that so many who don't know me were so willing to put limitations on my abilities and those of others. "You can't do that!" I hope those folks don't spread their attitude to kids.


Understand now?


Have a nice day.

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Well really Merv your panties sure are all twisted up today. yellaf.gif


If we follow your logic shouldn't you be attacking Jerry Sienfeld for portraying a charactor like the Soup Nazi. Clearly making a joke out of anything related to Nazis is wrong, and isn't it even worse that Jerry is Jewish and he still doesn't show any respect when it comes to stuff like that.




If I remember right Mel Brooks used Nazis for hummor in History of the World part 1 (right at the end) Go attack Mel; he's obviously showing no respect for such a serious matter.


PS there was a time limit for you to climb 5.13.

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Regarding the "Nazi" term that ruffles feathers when talking about Bush, perhaps more accurate is Fascist:


The word fascism has come to mean any system of government resembling Mussolini's, that exalts nation and often race above the individual, and uses violence and modern techniques of propaganda and censorship to forcibly suppress political opposition, engages in severe economic and social regimentation, and espouses nationalism and sometimes racism (ethnic nationalism).



Nazism is usually considered as a kind of fascism,.....

from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism


and from http://www.remember.org/hist.root.what.html

Fascists particularly loathed the social theories of the French Revolution and its slogan: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."


*** Liberty from oppressive government intervention in the daily lives of its citizens, from illicit searches and seizures, from enforced religious values, from intimidation and arrest for dissenters; and liberty to cast a vote in a system in which the majority ruled but the minority retained certain inalienable rights.


*** Equality in the sense of civic equality, egalitarianism, the notion that while people differ, they all should stand equal in the eyes of the law.


*** Fraternity in the sense of the brotherhood of mankind. That all women and men, the old and the young, the infirm and the healthy, the rich and the poor, share a spark of humanity that must be cherished on a level above that of the law, and that binds us all together in a manner that continuously re-affirms and celebrates life.


This is what fascism as an ideology was reacting against_and its support came primarily from desperate people anxious and angry over their perception that their social and economic position was sinking and frustrated with the constant risk of chaos, uncertainty and inefficiency implicit in a modern democracy based on these principles. Fascism is the antithesis of democracy. .........




In identifying "goodness" and "superiority" with "us," there was a tendency to identify "evil" with "them." This process involves scapegoating and dehumanization. It was then an easy step to blame all societal problems on "them," and presuppose a conspiracy of these evildoers which had emasculated and humiliated the idealized core group of the nation. To solve society's problems one need only unmask the conspirators and eliminate them. .......


Fascism and Nazism as ideologies involve, to varying degrees, some of the following hallmarks:


*** Nationalism and super-patriotism with a sense of historic mission.


*** Aggressive militarism even to the extent of glorifying war as good for the national or individual spirit.


*** Use of violence or threats of violence to impose views on others (fascism and Nazism both employed street violence and state violence at different moments in their development).


*** Authoritarian reliance on a leader or elite not constitutionally responsible to an electorate.


*** Cult of personality around a charismatic leader.


*** Reaction against the values of Modernism, usually with emotional attacks against both liberalism and communism.


*** Exhortations for the homogeneous masses of common folk (Volkish in German, Populist in the U.S.) to join voluntarily in a heroic mission_often metaphysical and romanticized in character.


*** Dehumanization and scapegoating of the enemy_seeing the enemy as an inferior or subhuman force, perhaps involved in a conspiracy that justifies eradicating them.


*** The self image of being a superior form of social organization beyond socialism, capitalism and democracy.


*** Elements of national socialist ideological roots, for example, ostensible support for the industrial working class or farmers; but ultimately, the forging of an alliance with an elite sector of society.


*** Abandonment of any consistent ideology in a drive for state power.


Okay, things are not a perfect match to this description, but close enough that it should be alarming.

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"AlpineK/Feck", "Dru/etc.", and those of similar manner:


I'm jumping off this train-wreck. Whatever social clique you guys belong to that finds your manner of discourse acceptable, I'm obviously not a member. If you fancy yourselves typical representatives of the "climbing community", I'm in a different universe.

Have fun, be safe and if we should ever encounter each other in the mountains, just walk on by.


Have a nice day.


- Don/"Dwayner"/"Merv", etc.


P.S. Let me save you the trouble of responding: "boo hoo" cry.gif, "loser" yellaf.gif, "don't let the door hit you..." yelrotflmao.gif "take your toys and go home" fruit.gif, "get a life, it's spray" rolleyes.gif and, of course, the_finger.gifthe_finger.gifthe_finger.gif



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You forgot wave.gif

Oh..."my bad!" wave.gif


"don't forget - "don't let your mouth write a cheque that your ass can't cash"


Who could forget that timeless "tough-guy", Soprano-esque, hooker-speak cliché?



bu bye Dwayner wave.gif


Let me add another one for you. yelrotflmao.gif


bu bye "Feck".

See ya some Tuesday night, but then again, maybe not.

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Just as I suspected there is no way for you to actually leave CC.com even though you keep saying you're going to. smirk.gif


I never said I was necessarily leaving cc.com, King of All Assumptions. I am, however, definitely leaving this "discussion" called: "F9/11 more impact than Nader", having gained additional insights into the attitude of some the cc.com "players".


Sorry to disappoint you.

What? There's no way for me to leave????

After you, maestro!

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"King of all Assumptions" That's a hefty insult.


I wish I could read your posts out loud to you some time in the voice that your writing conveys. Merv, you're too old to be a disaffected teenager who's angry at the mean old jocks who pick on you becuase nobody really understands you.

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