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The funny thing is, whatever is happening in the world right now will have nothing to do with the election in November. The Iraq war might be long-forgotten by our country as our media moves on to more important things like the Olsen twins' eating disorders and other hard-hitting stories. Remember how popular Bush Sr. was after the Gulf War? What a remarkable swing. Bush could win the next election by a landslide, or he could go down hard. It all depends on what the price of gas is that week, what the media reports about the unemployment rate, and if we are in another conflict with yet another middle eastern country. Oh, and if Osama Bin Laden is caught. Unaccounted WMD's no longer really matter that much, at least from what I see in the media these days. No longer is there outcry over the lack of any evidence, and now even on CNN.com, probably one of the more liberal mainstream news orgs out there, fully 1/3rd of web readers think Saddam Hussein was directly responsible for the attacks on 9/11/2001. Unreal. It will be an interesting few months.


For aguments sake I'll agree that MM is the left wing quivilant of rush windbag. The big difference is MM is a hellavu lot more entertaining and has gone mainstream, which is why the right fears him. Nobody listens or cares to what windbag says.


I also just generally agree with him NOT IGNORING what a huge portion of us seem willing to.


It smacks of audacity, a rare thing in the commodified world.



Dru...You voted for Paul Martin, didn't you?!


he wasn't running in my riding....


I voted for a former Major in the Canadian army who served in Kosovo wave.gif and ran the Fraser Health Region for 5 years afterwards.



I knew that picture of the Nazi Rush would get your goat.




Stinkin' hilarious! thumbs_down.gif How many of your relatives did the Nazi's slaughter?




It only makes sense that if you hate MM then you love Rush. tongue.gif


Cute Baby says: "No, it doesn't make sense. What a shallow assumption!"


Eh, we're fucked either way. Hope you canuks have some big guest rooms, cause you might be gettin some big fat american houseguests! hahaha.gif


Gee whiz! Can I help them load their moving vans? Please?






Poor Merv had to confine his bs to talking down to young college students before the internet. Now he can pontificate to the masses on CC.com yellaf.gif


Face it Merv you obviously can't attack MM on issues since you instantly resorted to calling MM fat. You started this sprayfest and then you turned into a big cry.gifcry.gifbaby when I responded in kind.


Maybe you should stick to cry.gifing about bolts...It's much more amusing to read the diatribes of a guy who doesn't climb anymore whining about routes he couldn't even do if somebody installed an elevator.


Conservatives like to say Moore is a lousy writer and a lousy director. He can't be that bad if he has so many people upset. He can't be that bad if so many people are going to see his movies. I think he must be quite good to have the influence he does. Whether you agree with his views is another matter, but to call him a lousy director is totally disingenuous.


He's a great director, a great writer, and a scumbag of a human being. He's extremely good at manipulating everything at his disposal to further a personal agenda. And I despise people who do this, regardless of their political affiliation.

He's a great director, a great writer, and a scumbag of a human being. He's extremely good at manipulating everything at his disposal to further a personal agenda. And I despise people who do this, regardless of their political affiliation.


As opposed to BushCo?

Now that Fahrenheit 9/11 is taking off like a rocket and shattering records at the box office, it's clear that Americans are hungry for Moore's message.


To put this all in perspective I think we need to keep in mind that F-9/11 only made slightly more in its opening weekend (21 mil vs 19.5 mil) that a movie by two worn-out black comedians dressing up as white transvestites. (White Chicks)


I guess Americans are hungering for cross-racial, cross-gender roll playing as well. rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

Poor Merv had to confine his bs to talking down to young college students before the internet. Now he can pontificate to the masses on CC.com


Face it Merv you obviously can't attack MM on issues since you instantly resorted to calling MM fat. You started this sprayfest and then you turned into a big cry.gifcry.gifbaby when I responded in kind.


Hey "Alpine K". You DIDN'T respond in kind. You made it personal when you suggested that I had a Nazi for a hero. Now you bring up my profession as you have in the past with your tired "go preach to your students" routine (Actually, I am very highly rated by most of my students), but my profession and private life have nothing to do with this site or this topic unless I choose to bring it up. You don't know me, pal. You barely rate as an acquaintance. I know you as some guy on the internet who hangs out at the pub club and who I've seen here and there. This "discussion" topic is about Michael Moore, a public and influential figure and, in my opinion, an ill-mannered slob propagandist. It's not about "Merv" or "Alpine K". When you personally attack the poster, you really tell us more about yourself than the topic. And it's not a friendly picture.


Maybe you should stick to cry.gifing about bolts...It's much more amusing to read the diatribes of a guy who doesn't climb anymore whining about routes he couldn't even do if somebody installed an elevator.


Doesn't climb anymore? That's really my business, not yours. How would you know? Are you a stalker with your own "Dwayner-Goes-Climbing-Cam"? You're actually wrong. I'm quite active, have climbed in several different areas this year and thus far am having a lot of fun.


By the way,in my entire life, the only place I've ever experienced such juvenile personal taunting from "adults" has been on cc.com. Does it make you feel good?


Have a nice day.


how's it going on working your 5.13 dwayner? are you gonna send within the year time limit and get the money that was promised if you could send?

To put this all in perspective I think we need to keep in mind that F-9/11 only made slightly more in its opening weekend (21 mil vs 19.5 mil) that a movie by two worn-out black comedians dressing up as white transvestites. (White Chicks)


But are the showings of "White Chicks" selling out hours in advance, with extra screenings being added? How many showings of "White Chicks" are playing to 1/3 houses, while "F9/11" is pulling in better $$ in a smaller number of theatres? And "F9/11" will likely still be doing pretty respectable box-office long after "White Chicks" is gone and forgotten.


The numbers for "White Chicks" really only indicate the tastes of 14-year-olds, whereas "F9/11" is drawing from a far more diverse demographic - mostly voters, which means it's far more interesting to see what, if any impact it will have on the election outcome. Something tells me that, twenty years from now, the release of "White Chicks" won't be cited as a factor in the Bush-Kerry contest. But "F9/11" could very well be.

how's it going on working your 5.13 dwayner? are you gonna send within the year time limit and get the money that was promised if you could send?


There wasn't a time-limit and I'm not accepting money from the guffawing frat-boys who offered it. How about concentrating on your own abilities?

By the way,in my entire life, the only place I've ever experienced such juvenile personal taunting from "adults" has been on cc.com.


Wow, you must NOT climb much! Or go anywhere else on the internet. Or watch TV. Or leave the house...


Man, why did dwayner get banned? It's like a shooting gallery!

how's it going on working your 5.13 dwayner? are you gonna send within the year time limit and get the money that was promised if you could send?


There wasn't a time-limit and I'm not accepting money from the guffawing frat-boys who offered it. How about concentrating on your own abilities?


i'm interested in how my friends are doing....

there was a time limit....

my own abilities are just fine for the level of climbing I do, thanks for asking grin.gif

I remember last year how you said you could climb 5.13 if you wanted to. That's why the money was offered up, to help your motivation level. Guess even with the $$$ offer it's still out of reach for you huh? Oh well ya know what they say - this applies to Mikley Layton too - don't let your mouth make promises your ass can't deliver! yellaf.gif

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