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If you click on link at head of this thread, you'll see my "amusing list" has been deleted by the powers that be, properly I think, from the Access section on this board.


For the record, and to further amuse, allow me to provide a link to brinnonprosperity.org's page concerning Dosewallips road rebuild. My list of links was drawn from their list of links, which appear on section promoting Dosewallips rebuild under the heading "Related Resources."


A number of the links are to organizations seriously concerned about world domination by the United Nations. Another link was concerned with promoting so-called "creation science." At least two were concerned with "scientifically" rebutting climate change theories.


In brinnonprosperity.org's main section, you'll find links to five real estate companies. Brinnon, according to latest census, has a labor force of just under 270 people, which equals about 1 real estate company on Web site per 55 workers. Its total pop. is just over 800. Here is a link to brinnonprosperity.org



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But here's something to REALLY worry about:


"A highly-active shadow international government is developing with strong influence on federal policy."


This statement is one click away from the "citizen review" link, which itself has a page entitled "U.N. Agenda 21 is happening in your community!"


"Agenda 21" is apparently some bugaboo of the extreme right, and I assume is origin of the name for "Freedom21" whose Web site is also on "brinnon.prosperity.org"



Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

just open the faquin road! the_finger.gif

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If you click on link at head of this thread, you'll see my "amusing list" has been deleted by the powers that be, properly I think, from the Access section on this board.


For the record, and to further amuse, allow me to provide a link to brinnonprosperity.org's page concerning Dosewallips road rebuild. My list of links was drawn from their list of links, which appear on section promoting Dosewallips rebuild under the heading "Related Resources."


A number of the links are to organizations seriously concerned about world domination by the United Nations. Another link was concerned with promoting so-called "creation science." At least two were concerned with "scientifically" rebutting climate change theories.


In brinnonprosperity.org's main section, you'll find links to five real estate companies. Brinnon, according to latest census, has a labor force of just under 270 people, which equals about 1 real estate company on Web site per 55 workers. Its total pop. is just over 800. Here is a link to brinnonprosperity.org




Thanks so much for promoting our web site. You are correct that we have linked the Real Estate brokers in our area, but we have also linked all the other businesses. Would you suggest that we only link some of the businesses ?? The links are a public service to visitors.

You have continuously attempted to discredit our web site inspite of my telling you that we have no interest in development. We are happy to have two wilderness areas on our doorstep, and are in favor of additional wilderness.

We are not right or left wing, but Libertarian, believing in less government, and more personal responsibility. The links on our site speak for themselves, and we also link the sites of the opponents to this road repair. ( they would never link our site !! )

Please check out my post on your other thread :



There is nothing on our site that warrants your vicious attacks......... tongue.gif

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This is from another link on ''brinnon.prosperity.org"


"Within the man/dino controversy there exists at least three distinct groups;1)Creationists who (for religious reasons- Christianity) would like proof that man and dinosaurs co-existed because it would support the Biblical view of creation,2)Scientists, who (for religious reasons: Evolution) do not want to see any proof of man/dinosaur coexistence because it would do radical damage to the theory and 3)Objective scientists who for scientific reasons want to know what the facts actually are. "


To learn the actual facts in Brinnon, see http://www.s8int.com/dinolit1.html


Amazing...that some people actually believe this dribble. It's pure fantasy but not unlike New Age beliefs in things such as ancient astronauts and such.


The link that johndavid attributes to our site is not linked there......but it is interesting ! As a scientist, I learned to not ignore any theory out of hand...and I am not closeminded.


I think he should stop maligning our effort to help preserve access to ONP for all Americans...! wink.gif

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Hey man! It's called cut&paste---you're making a really weird assertion to simply deny the links are there. What's your problem?


Most of these links are quite wild stuff even for the average Republican. They are under "related resources" on lower left-hand part of window.





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I was thinking of replying to it until I read Fairweather play the "why-I'VE-lived-here-all-my-life" card and discredit the other guy's position just cuz he was from New Jersey. puh-leeze. rolleyes.gif


I try to avoid replying to idiots like that, at least when they post idiotic shit like that ... it just encourages them.


and in general, I have no patience/tolerance for dipshits who get all self-righteous about being "native" Washingtonians. got news for ya, suckers: unless you're a Quinault, a Yakima, a Skokomish, (etc).. you ain't no Native Washingtonian. all your white asses (or well your ancestor's white asses) were immigrants at one time or another.



I grew up in Colorado and consider myself a 'native' of that state. I can remember when all the transplants from Texas, New York, and California started moving in. Fucking jerkoffs the lot of them. They bring the skank from their own home states and violate the air in which true Coloradoans lived and breathed since day one. I should have started singling kids out from other states for ritual ass kickings, but I had bigger fish to fry back then. As far as Fairweather playing his "I'm a native Washingtonian card", well fucking good for him. I shit on New Jersey (my best climbing partner is from there BTW) and anyone from a flatlander state who moves here and thinks they know shit about shit. Other than that I have no idea what this thread is about.

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anyone from a flatlander state who moves here and thinks they know shit about shit. Other than that I have no idea what this thread is about.


The thread is about trying to discredit people who want to prevent the demise of Democracy and the rule of the West by Evonazis. I appreciate all the free publicity johndavid is giving www.brinnonprosperity.org because we are very clear in pointing to the rascals who oppose public access to, and public use of, the Public Lands that we are ALL PAYING FOR !


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Okay I won't reply to SB. But to GD: I'm not actually from New Jersey originally, but am now a mile from WTC, & this ain't what people mostly think of as NJ.


Of Washington residents in 1990, 48% were born there. I'm certain native-borns in Puget Sound today are much fewer than 48% (some from Colorado). Herr Gotterdamerung: I'm glad you feel good about yourself based on where you were born, but it would be unfortunate if this were to color other aspects of your world view. Any way, here is an interesting & relevant link from a remarkable organization that effectively works to advance many goals of society, not the least of which is commerce:




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When you fly out here for your Stone Ponds trip this summer I hope you will entertain this thought: The Hamma Hamma Road has washed out at least three times the past 25 years. What if an enviro-lawyer group from Califionia/New Jersey/wherever decided that the road should fall into disrepair or be shut down outright? The time required for your trip would put it out of your reach...and the reach of most who work. You would be forced to join the masses on the few trails that would be left for such 3-5 day adventures. What fun.


These groups have already managed to shut down several popular roads/trailhead access' by suing to prevent their repair. It is time for people who do love wild areas to say ENOUGH! I, for one, am fed up with this shit.

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Ah-- Fairweather, a man I respect, prompts me to confess that I started this thread in mean-spirited mode. I've used all the major approaches to park in past 28 years, & really I suppose rebuilding Dose as a practical matter is pretty neutral overall and especially good for the Bart Simpsons of world (who deserve some consideration). But it does require compromising the very thing that is most attractive about the Olympics, and I continue to find the background for certain viewpoints on the issue a source of amusement.

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