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Pope/Dwayner Were Right About Something!


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Outer Space is the shiznit (although the Remorse start is pretty marginal IMO). The only route that I've been on that rivals it (and possibly beats it) is the Center Route on the Cynical Pinnacle out in the South Platte - but it's a close call.


Votes for the best III 5.10 in the State? Any suggestions appreciated...


[ 07-09-2002, 08:16 PM: Message edited by: JayB ]

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Originally posted by Greg W:


Originally posted by avypoodle:

OS is 5.10 now?


It'll be downgraded once Victor bolts it.
[big Grin]
Izznt what hes saying now that he has done the best 5.9 he wants to do the best 5.10?


The best 5.10 in the state of washington is (drum roll) CARNIVAL CRACK [laf]

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JayB -


Though the Remorse start begins with some bushes and some people find the loose flake used to protect the traverse somewhat eerie, I find those initial pitches more fun than the original Outer Space start. I think you made a good choice to go that way.


For an all around fantastic 5.10, try Davis Holland/Lovin Arms.



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Originally posted by Dennis Harmon:

Jay B, Damn! A voice from the past writing about the Center Route on Cynical Pinnacle... good route! Did you climb Turf Speader too? I never did get up the final tower pitch on that thing. Dennis

The crack on the face above Turf Spreader looked amazing, but from what I can recall it was protected by a 5.11OW roof below. We just stopped, took a look, shook our heads and moved on.


Also - thanks to everyone for the suggestions. Where's this Davis Holland Crack at?

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Originally posted by erik:

i wonder when the last time the original finnish was done for d.l.? anyone here even done it??


anyone here wanna go do it? i am sure it hold high dirt appeal!

mmmmmm....dirt. Did a new dirt route on scw last weekend...very good dirty lieback to a dirt/lichen encrusted chimney that closes up to smaller than head size before being covered by a giant flake (solid) After the flake amongst a smattering of typical sc chickenheads the chim finished with a fist crack. to the top of the tower is easy cracks. Location far right near FS wilderness boundary marker. BTW the concensus after all four of us reached the top. 5.9ish 3.5stars pro4" Tempting Goulie

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