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John F(ing) Kerry hypocrisy pt XXVI


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Kerry Absence Dooms Jobless Benefits Vote

Wednesday, May 12, 2004





WASHINGTON — A push by Senate Democrats to extend jobless benefits lost by a single vote yesterday - as their nominee-to-be, John Kerry, missed the vote while campaigning in Kentucky.

Kerry, the only senator to miss the vote, said he didn't come back to Washington because "we were told that no matter what would happen, [the Republicans] would change a vote in the Senate and they were not going to let it happen."


The bid to extend federal jobless benefits for an extra 13 weeks failed by 59-40, one short of the 60 votes needed because the cost would exceed last year's budget agreement.


Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., said almost 130,000 New Yorkers exhausted their jobless benefits between December and April. Opponents note the jobless rate dropped to 5.6 percent and say the emergency aid isn't needed.


President Bush's campaign spokesman, Steve Schmidt, said, "Last month, John Kerry was pushing for the extension of unemployment benefits. Today, he had the chance to actually vote on that question, but was too busy playing politics when he would have made the difference in the Senate."

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And never mind that any one of the 40 REPUBLICANS who voted against it could have also swung the vote if they had supported extending the benefits?


Perhaps Shrub's little lapdog Schmidt should be scolding the 40 members of HIS OWN PARTY WHO VOTED AGAINST IT rather than Kerry who was actually for it? Who's playing politics here? Both sides obviously.


C'mon Fairweather, I think Kerry is a joke, but you can do better than this.

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You see, Will...I don't support extending unemployment benefits either. My point was the senator's lack of demonstrated caring for the common man that missing this vote conveys. I won't even get into the fact that he is AWOL from his job...a job that he is being paid quite a hefty sum to do. I wonder how the people of Massachusetts feel about their representation under JFK. Oh well, at least he didn't leave a young woman to drown in a car....or anything like that. rolleyes.gif

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Yeah, somebody already posted this.


I like the Bush spoksmen quite, because, remember, George Bush never plays politics! hahaha.gif


While I certainly don't think this shows he really doesn't care about the jobless, I think he was totally dumb to miss it. He should have known Bush n' Co and the media would jump all over it. Seems like a huge political blunder.

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I won't even get into the fact that he is AWOL from his job...a job that he is being paid quite a hefty sum to do.


Kinda like being the President that has spent more time on vacation than any other? Not to mention all the time he's spent "on the clock" campaigning in both 2002 and 2004.

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While I will admit that I am thinking how nice it would be to vote for a McCain/Libermann independent ticket, I would never vote for John F@#$% Kerry. ...and to 'just sit out' and not vote for prez in November is the same thing as voting for the Dem, so I remain committed to GWB.


How is it possibly that Kerry is any worse than GWB? I admit, I haven't looked into all of the supposed character issues people bring up, but even assuming he is a total schmuck, that leaves me comparing the platforms of two complete schmucks with poor characters. Georgie's character is a complete joke as well.


I guess that leaves us to simply choose which scumbag represents our beliefs better.


Note: I dont actually think Kerry is a schmuck, I am simply point out that arguing that Bush represents a higher moral standard is pretty unfair.

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Fascinating news! Can you believe it Fairweather hates John Kerry. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.


I'm still voting for the guy. As far as I can tell all potiticians have at least some sleaze factor. I view voting like going to the dealership looking for a car...you just know you're going to get jacked arround, but you do it anyway.

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How transparent is this? Fairweather (and Foxnews coincidentally) getting all upset at Kerry because he helped kill a program that they disapprove of , or more accurately, Kerry wasn't there to make one more republican actually take a stand against jobless benefits? rolleyes.gif


Total blind hatred for the challenger to your flawed man in office. That's going to be his only possible saviour, dirty tricks against his opponent.


I'd like to see FoxNews publish a list of the republicans who went against their president to vote for the jobless benefits.

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No problem Chuck, I'll post it for you. Here are the Republicans who BETRAYED Shrub and the GOP and voted for the bill along with those dirty dems:


Bond, MO

Chafee, RI

Collins, ME

DeWine, OH

Dole, NC


Murkowski, AK

Smith, OR

Snow, ME

Specter, PA

Talent, MO

Voinovich, OH


Or maybe Bush should rail against his Dem buddy, Sen Zell Miller from Georgia a republican in all but name who voted against the bill...he singlehandedly could have swung the vote and he was there to do it.

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.....Total blind hatred for the challenger to your flawed man ....


Thanks to Bush's most important political asset:,John Kerry, Kerry leads Bush by only 1% in California, a Democratic stronghold. Why? The poll reports "Of Bush voters, 80% say they are voting 'for' Bush. Of Kerry voters, just 35% say they are voting 'for' Kerry. 61% of Kerry voters say they are voting 'against' Bush."



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I need to find this article I read the other day, it was quite interesting. In essence the argument (or noted trend, rather) is that even in elections where the incumbent loses badly, the challengers numbers never rate much higher than a tie until the last few weeks or months of the election. The trend was displayed for both D and R incumbents.

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I would argue he has provided ample opportunies to display his stupidity. My favorite quite from his supporters early on was "he doesn't have to know everything, he surrounds himself with very smart people" hahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gif


Granted, stupid is probably a huge overstatement but I would be willing to bet he is the least intelligent president in history both in terms of reasoning skills and world knowledge in general.

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