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Smith Rock Spring Thing


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Gonna be a rockin' good weekend. rockband.gif


Alpinfox and I are leaving Thursday night to snugtop.gif down.


See you all there!!!



HELL YA thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif we will be there late friday night.. put out the plab sign for us, will you? bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif
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Alpinfox and I are leaving Thursday night to snugtop.gif down.



Yes, the esteemed ropegun (MisterE) and I will be driving down from Bellingham/Seattle on Thursday evening. Seeing as how gas is $2.17/gal, I'm poor, and I just got a $44 parking ticket madgo_ron.gif, it sure would be nice to have another passenger or two to share expenses. Anyone care to join us?




send a pm to me or MisterE if you are interested.

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Hopefully see some old faces.


moon.gif, Youngster! hahaha.gifboxing_smiley.gif



Awesome weekend! Saturday I got to work alongside Texplorer and Alpinfox, as well as a couple of old friends from Bend. We all worked on rebuilding the Bunnyface area. thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifrockband.gif Pictures to follow


Good food and good beer on Saturday night. Timmy O'Neill was his usual hilarious self all evening! yelrotflmao.gif

Met the elusive DFA, as well. bigdrink.gifwave.gif


Climbed with Muffy and BadVoodoo on Sunday (very hungover bigdrink.gifcantfocus.giftongue.gif


Lotsa Prana babes and sun all weekend!!! WooHoo!


Great work to all the volunteers for doing $28,000 of labor (calculated by Ranger Dave) IN ONE DAY!!!




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I must say this last weekend at the spring thing was one of the best weekends at smith EAVER. It was fantasticly fun. We didn't have any pics of the owrk but I am sure Badviidoo will post the "after" pics we have from morningglory area.


Highlights for MUFFY

*Pandora holding on to my ankle

*climbing a 5.9 that mister e put up

*toys in the atic

*Timmy O'neil



*seeing TEX

*LOOKING FOR DFA (I still don't know who it is) cry.gif

*setting the car alarm off at 6 am

*seeing how much better a climber skyclimb is than when I first met him wave.gif

*Avie and Jason


*breakfast at Sunspot

*FIRE (camp fire of course)

*getting Home grin.gif






THIS WHOLE WEEKEND thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifROAWKED bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifcool.gifcool.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


Thanks everyone

Smith Rawk Group

Mister E



Pandora and Skyclimb


And everyone I am forgetting fruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif

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