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A two-speed hand crank, eh? How 'bout you just crank it fast or slow? I can see someone getting this for their road-trip-mobile, just bolt it to the dash and have fresh peanut butter/banana/ice cream/rum shakes all the way to Yosemite.

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Lets not feed RE-I's ego by acknowledging that this is a viable backcountry option. Just say no to RE-I, and say no to the child labor merchandise they are peddling. And everyone knows that liquor is intended to be pounded straight outta the bottle...



Originally posted by slothrop:

A two-speed hand crank, eh? How 'bout you just crank it fast or slow? I can see someone getting this for their road-trip-mobile, just bolt it to the dash and have fresh peanut butter/banana/ice cream/rum shakes all the way to Yosemite.

One problem(and the reason why I think it's a true piece of crap) - the handle isn't hinged in any manner, so you need to have the blender on the edge of a table/other 90 edge. In short the only place I could figure out it's be useful was in the campground. Surprised?


We sacrifice easy handles for Mt. Margaritas. Besides.... I like Child labor. Their little fingers can sew much smaller than the little old ladies making my Patagonia fleece. Long live sweatshops. They don't HAVE to work there. They just rather not starve. Is that so wrong?



Originally posted by Chaseabbott:

We sacrifice easy handles for Mt. Margaritas. Besides.... I like Child labor. Their little fingers can sew much smaller than the little old ladies making my Patagonia fleece. Long live sweatshops. They don't HAVE to work there. They just rather not starve. Is that so wrong?

Corprate slave [big Grin] You buy that line so you can sleep at night don't you. You better watch out or I'll sick sneaky fingers on you [big Grin]


Thanks SK, I was gonna schlap this bitch with some knowledge but you beat me to it, nice work!

hey Ass Chase, try and get literate while hanging out in Jon's can. kidlablg.gif


***is there a shitbag Graemlin?***


Touche' SK. How could I ever let Sneaky Fingers sew my North Face gear? I guess I'll have to wear hemp clothes for 5 times the price because it's "organic clothes". Oh give me the time when people were working by 4, married by 14, and dead by 34. Short and sweet! Screw eliminating Child Labor.... we should work on eliminating Labor. I could sit around all day and watch Jon be a whiney gaper.




P.S. - ruddersbox.... get a grip. I was kidding. SK was ripping me a new one because Sneaky Fingers DOES make my clothes! If I wanted to be literate I wouldn't start with that crap either. I have better things to read (classics, poetry, fiction, playboy, hustler, jon's diary) than to get worked up with a one-opinion piece (believe me I've read many. The only one's that interest me so far are by Michael Parenti http:www.michaelparenti.org). You may want to go through your crap before you realize that most of your shit was probably made by some poor Congo Pigmy 3 yr. old with only one hand because leprosy claimed his other since the hippy aid worker smoked all the vaccines.... It's all in jest freak. Lighten up and drink a beer!


hey bud, it's all fun... I just read that overbearing book and was being playful in a sick school teacher kinda way. As for the shit bag Graemlin remark, it's for Steamer, not for you!!! be good...


you wanna wrestle don'tcha rudder! Don't make me put you in the fabled cross-faced chicken wing! You just scared me cause you sound like my B-ham cousin who blames everything on the fact that the white man stole Native American land.... National debt? White man land theft! Conflict in Mid-East? Wouldn't have happened if we didn't steal NA land..... just float me out to sea with some beers and call it quits!


As for the blah blah blah cousin whomever bitching about restitution for past whatevers, whatever.Hey, put me out to sea as well, with a bag of train wreck and a keg of Spaten optimator on the nitro line, and when its over all will be fine. No time to chicken wing dance now bathroom boy, I have a 9 hole frisbee golf lunch date with a dreadlock sportin art teacher who only wears the clothes she makes (so there). I will be back with a proper reply after I toss. Cheers...

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