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Touching the Void.....


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Has anyone else who saw Simon's show at the VIMFF seen the film yet? After seeing the movie last night, I didn't really understand his comments about it being "economical" with his side of the story, and that he "just disappeared" half way through.


I thought his part in the whole thing was well presented. He certainly wasn't made out to be a rope slashing bad guy.


Maybe he just felt he should have got more screen time.

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not his character disappeared - his taling head disappeared.


i certainly thought he was getting petty over it as the story focusses way more on joe than on him in the last half, but he did have a point in that his character is in much less of the second part, and his talking head is basically gone.


moral of story: don't piss off director or you will be cut out!

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superb movie. hollywood will never understand climbing, never.


and, btw, i just learned something: not that i paid much attention to it at the time, but the Boney M song was "brown girl in the RING" - i always thought it was "...rain".

reminds me of the tale about misunderstanding the lyrics to the refrain of the great deep purple hit "smoke on the water" as "slow walking walter, the fire engine guy"!


tee hee,

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superb movie. hollywood will never understand climbing, never.

Hollywood will "never understand climbing" the way NBC will never understand the Olympics, or the guys who do the Superbowl halftime show will never understand football. Big-budget entertainment is about filling seats and maximizing revenue, not telling a coherent story.


I for one am pretty glad that Tom Cruz didn't do the movie, as he apparently had been considering. Though a "top gun" version would probably have grossed a lot more.


It reminded me a lot of Apollo 13, in terms of telling the story straight, avoiding muddying up things with a contrived love story (putting Joe's girlfriend at base camp, maybe having a fling with Simon when it looks like Joe's gone for good.)


FWIW, I thought it did a pretty good job explaining what was going on in a way that a non-climber could probably get. But the movie was less scary to me than the book was.

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Just saw the movie last night. Great movie! Really good footage of them climbing.


I have kids and have been stuck watching the "Wiggles". I had heard them sing that song "Brown Girl in the Ring" and thought it was a goofy song they made up, now I know.


Just the movie I need to see before I go to a somewhat remote (not real remote but no help immediately close by) area and get the hardest route I ever attempted. I have a feeling it will pop up in my mind why I'm there

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just got back from seeing it at the magnolia in dallas. thought it was very well done. thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


the one thing that bugged me, was whenever richard was talking, he kept smiling and so it almost looked like he was sort of amused by the whole thing. i'm sure that wasn't intended, but it still bugged me.

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