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Favorite useless knot


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its a great knot for shortening your tent guy lines in boy scout summer camp, I think I got extra credit for throwing it in the mix. But I got the most points for tying up a whole Girl Scout Troop with bowlines. evils3d.gifevils3d.gif


Hey Ducknut...there's a way to modify a clovehitch to create handcuffs that allow you to tie up unruly girlscouts or climbing partners. evils3d.gif

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its a great knot for shortening your tent guy lines in boy scout summer camp, I think I got extra credit for throwing it in the mix. But I got the most points for tying up a whole Girl Scout Troop with bowlines. evils3d.gifevils3d.gif


Hey Ducknut...there's a way to modify a clovehitch to create handcuffs that allow you to tie up unruly girlscouts or climbing partners. evils3d.gif


Photos, please, Chelle!

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I thought it was called a "not knot"?


The climbing application I have heard of for sheep shank was in one of those ... "you only have one rope to rappel but all your anchors are more than 1/2 rope length apart WHAT DO YOU DO???" threads. The idea was to cut the middle thread of the sheep shank, rap down and shake the rope free. rope gets a little shorter with each rap but otherwise BOMBER!


This actually sounds like it might be usefull, but from just tying a sheepshank with a bit of 7mm cord, I can't really figure out what you'd do. Can anyone give a more detailed description?

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Well...take some disposable cord, make a sheepshank, look at the 3 internal strands and you can see that one of them is not holding weight from either end. Or if you can't figure it out by looking, tie a 'shank to a tree, hold the other end in your hand, and start cutting strands one at a time to see what happens. It's one of those "Oooohhhhh...I see!" kind of deals.

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its a great knot for shortening your tent guy lines in boy scout summer camp, I think I got extra credit for throwing it in the mix. But I got the most points for tying up a whole Girl Scout Troop with bowlines. evils3d.gifevils3d.gif


Wanna demonstrate?


Hey Ducknut...there's a way to modify a clovehitch to create handcuffs that allow you to tie up unruly girlscouts or climbing partners. evils3d.gif

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Ducknut - I can only give you some simple instructions...


1) Make the two loops you'd make for a clove hitch.


2) Overlap them and then pull 1/2 of each (inside 1/2) through the outside edges to make two "ear" loops.


3) Place over hands or feet of your captive and pull the tails of the rope tight.


From there you are on your own. evils3d.gif And I don't wanna hear about it.


Mr.E - you commenting on my age? wink.gif You're still older than me... tongue.gifyellaf.gif


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Its a way to use almost the full length of a rope on a single rope rapppel and retrieve almost all of the rope. The top end of the rope is tied to the anchor, then comes the sheepshank. You rappel from below the knot, but before you go, while the knot is loaded, you cut the middle strand of the knot, the one that is not loaded (be sure you get the right one). The knot stays together so long as it is loaded, but once you get off rappel, a shake of the rope loosens the assembly, getting all the rope down except for the little you used in the sheepshank knot plus the knot for the anchor. I'm told that sailors used to use it to descend from masts in the old days.

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Acrobat acts used to do this thing where they tied a knot on the end of a piece of pipe. Then by leaning back and using the rope they could climb/balance up the pipe. Once they were far enough up they would unweight the knot and it would fall off leaving them standing on the pipe. ooo.gif

I was taught that knot once upon a time and thought it was pretty useless. If I play around some I may be able to send out some info. (just in case you want to stand on a piece of pipe)

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WOW, Chelle, that works pretty well...at least with the cord on my mini-blinds at work (the only 'rope' I have handy). The key is choosing the right loops to pull through so that it tightens thru the whole know when you pull the ends....I LIKE It.


yellaf.gif Have fun. I'm sure you can find some sweet SLC lass to teach it too. evils3d.gif

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