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I know CBS will correct me if this is wrong, but its my understanding that urine is a sterile bodily fluid. So long as you don't have a bladder or urinary tract infection.

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I repeat myself when under stress

I repeat myself when under stress

I repeat myself when under stress

I repeat myself when under stress

I repeat.....


The more I look at it, the more I like it.


I'd like to add a positive tone to this thread with a good poo story.


So I go into the john one day at work and all the stalls but 1 are full (like 5 or 6 stalls total). I take care of business then reach for the TP. Uhm, yep, 2 big empty rolls. (and no one to blame butt myself for not checking). I stand up, unsure what to do, and grab a couple of sandpaper sanitary rim liners and fold them up. I cringe and am about to start that unpleasantness, when from under the stall next to me a hand and a roll of TP appear. Somehow the guy knew that stall was fresh out of TP. I grab it, say "thanks" (breaking all kinds of rules I know), finish cleaning up, and get the shit out of there before the dude comes out of his stall, which would make it awkward for everyone. That is good bathroom etiquette, IMHO. thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


By the way, this is a good segway into another rule: You never ask the guy in the next stall over to "spare a square"; its just not done. You got yourself into that mess, now get you self out. wazzup.gif

You get credit for having the word segue in your vocabulary. The only reason I know it is I'm a musician.


spellcheck caught my version of segue but didn't give me any spelling suggestions so I just left it. cantfocus.gif

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