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WA Pass opening beta


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Its still only Feb. I can't recall the highway opening before late March or even mid-April in recent years...? Considering we sometimes get a large percentage of our snowpack in March, I wager that at 5000 ft at least, the snow levels will increase before it all starts melting.

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I was out at Winthrop this past weekend. I found normal snow levels out there....but what was weird was the snowpack which I haven't experienced before. The snowpack was about 2-3 feet where I was with a crusty layer on top. But below the crusty layer was absolutely no level of consolidation--it was all powder to the ground.


They will probably plow the road from the east side this year without any plowing starting from the west. The west side crews will probably devote their time to the two major repairs that need to be done to the roads. The road will be finished plowing well before they finish the repairs. Just my guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Huh. I was guessing this to be a really good snowpack year? Am I wrong? I thought we were getting hammered; then again, I'm down here in the Oregon Cascades, so things might be different (Hood is having a great year; I imagine routes will be in longer this year).


Am I wrong? I have a pal in SLC wanting to do some alpine stuff in NCNP, and I told him, my best guess, was sometime in May would be best. If you guys think otherwise, speak up, because I've yet to spend some reasonable time up there.


Let me know what you all think.

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there is a lot of snow up high but a lot of melt low down. snowline is actually higher right now than it was this time last year if i'm not misataken. cause last year you could drive into tamihi cr. in feb but not in march (snow fell), and this yr is the reverse (snow has melted)!

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