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that fuzzy thing on the toilet seat....why?

when i moved into my house it was fully furnished, right down to a fuzzy thing on the toilet seat. i've never seen the point of this accessory.

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It's a conspiracy by the home fashion designers to make an unnecessary product and convince the masses they need it. Messages behind the marketing: "You will be so fashionable if you cover the toilet with this warm fuzzy cover. BTW you will also need to match all your fuzzy accessories so buy the fuzzy bathroom rug and toilet mat, and the toilet tank cover. This will tell the world that you are (or will be) a good homemaker and care about appearances and current trends affecting your family's public image."

Poor housewives get smileysex5.gif


Also, what's with modern bathrooms being so damn large? I've been in some apartments (that weren't that large) where the bathroom was probably at least 100 sq ft. My apartment has maybe 30 sq ft reserved for the bathroom... 5x3 feet for a toilet and sink on opposite ends, and 5x3 feet for a shower. Why would I want more room? Why waste the real-estate where you spend the least amount of your day?


I can answer that, Gary: expanding waistlines. The higher percentage of obese among us need that extra room to get around.


While in college, I once looked at an apartment in the U. District up by Metro Cinemas. Well, the bedroom had normal 8-ft ceilings. But the bathroom, which was accessed from the bedroom, was up three steps through a smallish door and into a narrow room with only a skylight for the natural light. Having gone up three steps to get in there, my head was now pretty close to the ceiling hellno3d.gif. If you were taller, you'd have to put your head up in the skylight while doing your business. Needless to say, I didn't take the apartment.


my very sensible date (that doesn't explain why was with me) from last evening, offered up some very practical explanations. (needless to say i won't be seeing him again) after he finished looking at me like i was from another planet when i asked, he offered up the following: a) it keeps the porcelin from "clanking" w/the tank when the sit is raised b) it keeps your tush warm if you sit down to dress or dry off after your shower.

my very sensible date

'date'. yelrotflmao.gif the colloquialisms you sex industry workers use just kill me.



and i think magazine racks next to shitters is just about as strange as the shag carpet covered toilet seat.


I hate those things! A friend mine had one that was cleverly shaped like a fish. It had a nose on the end that prevented the seat from lifting all the way, so you either had to balance it straight up or hold on to it while pissing. I tried balancing it once, and it fell and almost took my dick off. I'm scarred for life. cry.gif

...that prevented the seat from lifting all the way, so you either had to balance it straight up or hold on to it while pissing. I tried balancing it once, and it fell and almost took my dick off. I'm scarred for life. cry.gif


WERD. It took crapper engineers more than a century to get the seat to stay up, and the fuzzy things tilt it just enough forward to send it slamming down right when a fella's reached optimum flow. madgo_ron.gif

alright. wtf is up with them automatic flushing toilets that go off mid crap? i hate gettin startled that way.
Ah, you know you like the way the splashing water tickles your choad (your perineum evils3d.gif).

I can answer for Lummox because this used to happen to me at my last job. They installed those autoflushers there (and, in my opinion, due to their premature flushing, they actually make you use more water because you often have to flush twice where ordinarily once would suffice). One of the commodes was one of those large handicapped ones, the ones that sit farther away from the wall. Well, the IR sensor was too far away from my back--especially if I leaned forward to squeeze...well, you know. Anyway, the sensor could no longer see you after having registered your presence previously, so it flushed away. Sometimes this would even happen if I wasn't leaning forward. Then, of course, it would always flush before you had a chance to wipe your ass and toss in the TP, meaning you'd have to flush again to get the TP gone. So stupid.

What are you doing there to set of the trigger mid-crap? If you calmly go about your business, you should have no problem.

yet another instance of theoretical not matching practical. i dont think i go through any extraordinary gyrations while releasing the hostages. them things just flush spontaneous like.

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