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Last night at the Ballard Grill a bunch of climbers got together. We drank a bunch of beer and talked a bunch of smack. Sayjay and Dave Parker brought some cool photos. I didnt see any pubing, but I wasn't watching Dave S all the time. After a fun evening we all went home. At least I hope you all made it home safe.


I've gotta say god damn there were a lot of people out last night. The list I have goes like this:


Chris W, To The Top, Wayne1112, Lizard Brain, Ehmmic, Scott, Sayjay, AlpineK, Mike R, Special Ed, Allison, Mattp, Rey Burbon, Wallstein, Ron Jeremy, Lwya(?), xoxo(?), Erik, v, Jon, Matt, Dwayner, ChucK, 009, Dave Schultz, Gerg, Sirwit, Dave W, Lori the Lurker


Also Mattp's friend Diane dropped by, and lets not forget Fred Beckey.


So the Ballard Grill and Ale House is a good spot for 30 plus people to get together. In the future when we are fighting about location let's keep this in mind.


We didn't pick a spot for next week, but I think it might be time to head to West Seattle and the Alki.


[big Drink][big Drink][big Drink][big Drink]

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MysticNacho made his first appearance at a Pub Club last night, and flelebleb was there too...and the list may still be incomplete. So many celebrities, so little time! [big Drink][chubit]


And Allison brought two special friends with her!(twins!) I can only say two things: Hubba-Hubba!!! and "YOWSA!!! [Razz][Razz]

Darn well worth the trip over to the "pube club" last night!!


Assorted notes:

Boy-Nacho: check your birth certificate. Are you REALLY old enough to go to a bar?

Snow-Lovely...where were you?


Brother Dwayner is so cool, when women see him they get the uncontrolable urge to take their clothes off. What is your trick Brother? Give us the beta!!!


[big Drink]


O.K, Righteous Alpine Brother Matt. I'll let you in on the secret, but it takes lots of practice:


When you see the missy of interest, make a clicking noise with your tongue and cheek, do a little shadow boxing, then give her a wink (with your eye). Secondarily, as a back-up, try the old two finger point with a wink (with your eye) and a head nod. Add a silly grin if you think it will enhance the effect.

Both these techniques work like a charm. [Wink]

HOT TIP: Practice in front of a mirror.


And keep this info. confidential or every one of those darn pube-club sausage ranchers will be simultaneously trying to inflict the love-whammy on every girl that walks into the venue.


How do I get to be able to hang out with the cool bar people of this message board? Is there a special handshake or wink or code word or something? Do I have to wear prana or Arc'Teryx clothing? I can lead with 4 or 5 beers in me but I get rattly and stuff. Would this qualify for a free membership to your private club? Do I need to be able to on-sight 5.12 trad or can I pull on a little gear every now and then? I live in Fremont and Ballaer is only a huck away.

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