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It was shown out here last weekend.

I heard it was okay... not one of the better one's.

Too bad I had to work. All five shows were sold out anyway.*sniff sniff*

ehmmic said:

So Seattle is only 3 hours away. Why wait until April?


I'm down.


I drove from P-town up to Seattle for the Mark Twight show last week. It was definitely worth the drive and effort.


I don't quite have as much faith in the Banff M F F, but would rather see it sooner than wait til April.


I'll see what I can swing . . . bigdrink.gif



I thought it was worth seeing... I got payed to see it but I would still go see it even if I had to pay for it. But the show is diffrent from place to place. It depends on the culture of the city. There are over 300 movies and there is only time to show at most 10.




i know a couple of people who went in banf to the film fest. year after year it's getting worst. a friend of my told me this year he was there for 2 days and there wasn't anything worth his time and money he spent. so the review for this year was thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif save your cash, drink bigdrink.gif

Posted (edited)

I saw it last night in Kamloops. I've seen it the past 3 years and this was defanitly the worst. Only 1 or 2 good films and some just drrrraaaagggged on like "The Other Final". The one that stood out was a spoof on XTREME alpine climbing called "Sister Extreme" and talked with Will Gad, Barry Blanchard, and pat Morrow. Very entertaining.

Edited by salbrecher

Here's the show line-up for the two showings here in Victoria this weekend. Most of them look fairly shitty. We'll see. The line up changes slightly for each tour stop, but the list of possible show options is somewhat limited (the tour host picks their own line up from a list), so I am betting that your tour stop will look similar.


Saturday's Program:


1. FALLING (USA,2003, 6 minutes)

The awe and exhilaration of waterfall kayaking.


2.FOCUSED (USA,2002, 10 minutes)

Shane McKonkey takes his usual antics on snow and off to the next level.



Biscuit , a small dog with an appetite for big climbs.


4.HIGH LIFE (USA,2003, 20 minutes)

Big mountain skiing from Utah to the Dolomites.


5.STEFANIA BELMONDO (USA,2003, 15 minutes)

The first Italian woman to win a gold medal in cross country skiing.


6.WEHYAKIN (USA,2003, 21 minutes)

Wild white water in Iceland, Mexico and Norway.




7.XTREME TRAMPING - THE LORD OF THE SPRINGS (Canada,2003, 7 minutes)

An elite team of Xtrampers search for the perfect backyard trampoline. Adrenaline highs and hilarious comedy.


8.THE OTHER FINAL (Netherlands,2002, 53 minutes)

2003 Grand Prize Winner. On the same day as Germany and Brazil played in the World Cup Final in Japan the national teams of Bhutan and Montserrat met in an officially sanctioned match in Thimphu, Bhutan. The film follows the two teams as they train, travel and finally play.


9. UNLIMITED WINTER (Canada,2003 5 minutes)

A dynamic and unusual look at traditional and modern cross country skiing featuring Olympic medalist Beckie Scott.


10.ROCK STARS (Switzerland,2003, 12 minutes)

Wild stunts and escapades on and off the mountain bike in the Swiss Alps.



Sunday's Program


1. A MAN CALLED NOMAD (UK,2002, 44 minutes)

2003 Best Film on Mountain Culture. Through the story of Choegatar, a 33 year old nomad in north eastern China, the film explores the dilemma of a modern nomad caught in the interface between traditional life and the changing world around him.


2. JANICA KOSTELIC (USA, 2003, 23 minutes)

The civil war of 1991 in Yugoslavia left the Kostelic family jobless and penniless but with their love of skiing intact. This film traces the careers of their two children, Janica and Ivica, from the Austrian Alps to the Olympics at Salt Lake City.




3.THE MATTERHORN-MOVIE STAR (Switzerland,2001, 31 minutes)

From the death of 4 climbers in 1985 during the first ascent to the present day. This film includes exceptional archival footage from a film made in 1901, a copy of which was found in a cupboard. The Matterhorn and cinema make a true love story.


4.PARAHAWKING (UK, 2003, 45 minutes)

The city of Pokhara nestled in the heart of Nepal's foothills and set against the backdrop of the Himilayas has played host to a re


markable story. Adam Hill and Rajesh Bomjan, owners of Sunrise Paragliding, meet Scott Mason, a falconer from England and together they train birds to fly with paragliders.



Biscuit , a small dog with an appetite for big climbs.




The tour is coming to Olympia Dec. 13 & 14!! No need to drive all the way to Seattle. It's in the Capitol Theater this year too!! Timmy O'neill is doing a free show Dec 5 at The Alpine Experience he'll be showing bisquit and a few other things too.


7.XTREME TRAMPING - THE LORD OF THE SPRINGS (Canada,2003, 7 minutes)

An elite team of Xtrampers search for the perfect backyard trampoline. Adrenaline highs and hilarious comedy. confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

cluck said:

Am I reading that correctly? The grand prize winner is a film about a soccer match??? confused.gif

It can't be worse than the TWO films about competitive cross-country skiing. I have always preferred seeing two X-C ski films rather than just one...keeps the rush going for longer.


Sheesh.. what's next? Elderly women bridging cultural differences while they explore revolutionary quilting techniques? rolleyes.gif


I guess I can just hang out at the bar while they're showing the lame shit.

stinkyclimber said:

cluck said:

Am I reading that correctly? The grand prize winner is a film about a soccer match??? confused.gif

It can't be worse than the TWO films about competitive cross-country skiing. I have always preferred seeing two X-C ski films rather than just one...keeps the rush going for longer.


boxing_smiley.gif Just because you can't appreciate the athleticism and skill it requires doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way..... rolleyes.gif


Adventureregal, do you mean the skill and athleticism of skiing, or soccer?


My problem with the so called "Mountain" film fest is that it has gotten far away from mountains per se -- the soccer thing is a good example -- as well as some of the jumping out of airplanes sort of things they've shown over the last few years, or the epic sailboat trips, extreme unicycling, all that shit, etc -- not that those things aren't valuable, but wazzup with calling it a mountain film fest? wazzup.gif

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