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Girl Scouts Take Fur Off Beavers


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Great story Dru. Since the bottom of the beaver market went out a few years back hardly anyone traps beaver. Trapping for this critter is tough. Season usually starts in Jan or Feb. so to start the process you have to shovel to the ice, 3 to 6 feet of snow. Then you need to cut a good-sized hole to slide the fresh trees into with attached snares. Now you cover the entire hole with tree limbs or a sheet of plywood. Next you need to check the trap about every 12 to 24 hours. If you are lucky you’ll have DOA beaver. As far as I am concerned beaver is the nicest pelt of all the fur bearing mammals. The meat is out standing, far better than a side of beef. ( You usually don’t take more than two beaver from each house by the way)

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""Beavers are a valuable source of education for our young people," said Tom Seaton, a Fish and Game biologist. "Their carcasses can be used in many ways - for food, for warm garments. Almost everything about beavers is good, except when they flood your yard or knock down live trees."




Ha ha ha ha! I feel the same way about PETA activists. I mean, their carcasses have to be useful somehow, right? Seriously, though, I grew up killing things in Alaska, and I have a very healthy respect for life. I don't randomly kill animals, I don't swerve to hit critters on the road, blah blah blah. I'm about tired of people who don't live in Alaska trying to dictate the way things should be there. Remember the wolves? They flipped shit when Fish and Game were riding around in helicopters popping rounds into the poor little creatures. So they put a stop to that and transplanted the wolves to Yellowstone. Where they began making problems. Fuck all that. If you don't live there, keep your ignorant nose out. madgo_ron.gif Meanwhile, I'm still having a great time in Germany! bigdrink.gif

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glacierdog said:

""Beavers are a valuable source of education for our young people," said Tom Seaton, a Fish and Game biologist. "Their carcasses can be used in many ways - for food, for warm garments. Almost everything about beavers is good, except when they flood your yard or knock down live trees."




Ha ha ha ha! I feel the same way about PETA activists. I mean, their carcasses have to be useful somehow, right? Seriously, though, I grew up killing things in Alaska, and I have a very healthy respect for life. I don't randomly kill animals, I don't swerve to hit critters on the road, blah blah blah. I'm about tired of people who don't live in Alaska trying to dictate the way things should be there. Remember the wolves? They flipped shit when Fish and Game were riding around in helicopters popping rounds into the poor little creatures. So they put a stop to that and transplanted the wolves to Yellowstone. Where they began making problems. Fuck all that. If you don't live there, keep your ignorant nose out. madgo_ron.gif Meanwhile, I'm still having a great time in Germany! bigdrink.gif


Dogman, you're starting to sound alot like me. Go see some more country side and take some pics so I can see 'em when you get back. By the way PM me about your family and mine getting together when you get back.


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